A little bit "less" from Markertek????


New member
Ok, here's the deal...I got 100' of Canare Star Quad for Christmas (thanks mom) and cut it into 25' foot lengths. The only problem was that 3 were 25' and one was 24'...Now of course this isn't a huge deal but I'm curious; do they plan on you putting connectors on them to make up for lost inches? She didn't order 99 feet. :D

Any thoughts?
Exactly how many inches are you short? If it's really a whole foot, you might just call and ask them about it. Don't expect to get a 30 cent refund, just "let them know".

It could very well be that their measuring process isn't very precise...and the more they pull off the spool the greater the actual error. It could also be that you're not pulling the wire tight enough when measuring.

Either way, it's only 30 cents. Although it does kinda suck that you've got the one "runt" cable....maybe you can cut them all to 24' and make little patch cables out of the extra 3 foot lenghts :)

Slackmaster 2000
Yep, about a foot.

I don't think it was my measuring process. Basically I took a tape measure and laid it out on the floor (extended to 26' or so). Then I got some string (no, no...not just cotton string but some sort of waxy string, almost sticky to the touch) taped it to the end and cut a 25' piece. I then lined up one end of the string with the cable and passed both through my hands until I got to the other end...SNIP.

This sticky string pretty much stays right in line with the cable as it passes through my hands. And yes I was keeping it tight! :)

Like I said it's no big deal, but I will probably give them a call...
Well, I gave them a call yesterday and they apoligized for the inconvenience. They'll be adding an extra foot to my next purchase of cable!!!! HAHAHA that's HILARIOUS!!!! :D