A good set list?

buckshot plevna

New member
Not really sure where to pst this thread, I figure here it will get the most views...anyhoo, my band has this rather important, actually, this is the biggest show of my band's young career. We're playing at this very respected venue which has seen the likes of R.E.M, U2, Red Hot Chili Peppers, James Brown, Radiohead, to name a few...We're taking part in the semi-finals of this battle of the bands that takes place in about 50 some odd countries, all in Europe except for Canada, and the winner gets to play at a 4 day outdoor festival, along with a record contract, a tour of the U.S., and obviously a whole lot of exposure. I don't think we're going to get by this semi-final round, competition is pretty tight and only 8 of 32 bands make the cut.

The dilemma is that we want to go down fighting, but we can't get our set list straightened out. At the last show it was New Age Girl (from the movie Dumb and Dumber, that song was killer) followed by 3 of our songs and ended with Sweet Child O' Mine. Needless to say we rocked the house down, finished second and advanced. Due to time constraints we are going to go with the same 4 last songs, but half of my band is convinced we should play Enter Sandman, which in my opinion is a bad idea because
1) That's a song where if it's not bang on, it shouldn't be played
2) We're sandwiching our 3 originals between 80's anthems and our stuff sounds like 1994 alt. rock. To me, that's a bad idea.

So, wtf? I dunno what to do... Enter Sandman would be cool because it's a song that would get the crowd really riled up, but I think we'll be working with a lighting guy which we could use to our advantage.

What do you guys think?

What are the judges judging the band on? There's no doubt that SCo'M and Enter Sandman are great, recognised tracks, but maybe you'd get by better on something that isn't so "used" on the covers scene, but would still be recognised. Maybe you'd get kudos for doing something a little different. Just me 2p!
Those seem like lame covers for an important gig. Pull out a cool b side or something that the industry dudes will respect. Or go with a cheezy 80's song and rock it up. That seems to work for just about every other band.
I'm not saying it's a bad song. If you are doing an original set and you want to use a cover or two I think they should be a song that you can really make your own. If you are doing something completely different with it then cool. But if you are just doing another version that is almost as good as the original than what is the point?

I would use something like Tainted Love, Personal Jesus, While My Guitar Gently Weeps or something that is easily recognizable but you can turn it into a really cool, rockin tune that has your own signature sound. A rock band covering another rock tune that is similar in style is no different than just being a cover band.
Well first of all DAMN man congrats on getting this far! Whats your bands name? You got a website mp3's etc? Where is this thing at? Fill us in man! Secondly I'd like to say I'm also in a band and was in recent battle of the bands. Not as big as the one you're in more of a local thing for some free studio time. But hey give a 16 year old a break here. You gotta play it by the judges. This place was more of a punk rock type scene. In fact every band that was in it was punk besides us. We're more of a Weezer/STP type band. I know funny combo but our lead singer rocks lol he was in many school plays before a rock band. Ok so anways we covered songs like Say it ain't so and rocked out pretty hard with our originals. We were tight and melodic and catchy. But apparently in the semi finals the judges decided screamy punk rock bullshiii wins over...umm talent. So you play the songs that you sound best at and don't try to be somthing you're not. I'm pulling for ya dude! ROck on.
Thanks for the props Peetr, if you want more info about us and the festival, here's our web address


we have links to the festival website as well as links to where we're playing, when, and ticket info...Odds are you're not in Ottawa, Canada, so you won't be able to catch the show, but the festival organizers are recording the first few performers from each night (which happens to be us) and giving it to all the participants, so that'll be on the website as well...

Tex, I agree with what you're saying, we've actually now opted to play Lit Up by Buckcherry instead of Enter Sandman, and yes we definately make Sweet Child our own...
