A Good Drum Mic Set up for Four Mics


New member
when i record my drums i tend to hear alot of the crash and the ride and they are bleeding thru the snare and toms mics and my floor tom mic is picking up on the kick alot...i cant get a good sound:( can i get some good drum mic sets ups and mixer sets ups for four mics?

My set up is 4 Audio tech drum mics, Yamaha MG12/4 Mixer going into the delta 44 sound card.
pair of Marshall MXL603's overhead.....

shure sm57 on snare......

for kick it depends on the sound and $$$ you want to spend....

Audix D6
Sennheiser md421
You don't need any new mics. You need to work with what you've got until you get a good sound. That would include working on mic placement, drum tuning and room acoustics. 4 mics is more than enough.

Don't worry about "bleed". Start with your 2 OH mics and work to get a good overall sound with them. Might take some time. Might take days..weeks. Then add a snare mic and a kick mic.

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Ditto the previous post. You not need new mics unless all your mics are omnidirectional. Bleed between mics is jsut part of live music and can some times help a lot. You need to work on mic placement and perhaps even more importantly the way you or the drummer play. If the cymbals are so loud that they bleed into every mic way to much it sounds like the cymbals are being played too loud.
ehm, i recently started recording overheads ;.. i never had any decent condensers , but now i'm going for it ...

so;... do you guys ever put a gate on the overheads ?
do you use your overheads only for the cymbals or do you constantly want to amplify all the rest of the drumkit too ?

what about bass-cuts on overheads ? i bet you cut lots of bass away, no ?

:o :rolleyes:
""Trying to keep the rest of the kit out of the "cymbal mics" by way of radical filtering or EQ, gating and super-tight miking is ludicrous.""

héhé, guess "ludicrus" means something like ridiculous ?
mestdude said:
when i record my drums i tend to hear alot of the crash and the ride and they are bleeding thru the snare and toms mics and my floor tom mic is picking up on the kick alot...i cant get a good sound:( can i get some good drum mic sets ups and mixer sets ups for four mics?

My set up is 4 Audio tech drum mics, Yamaha MG12/4 Mixer going into the delta 44 sound card.
My favorites
Sennheiser MD421... kick.
Beyer M201... snare.
Josephson C42's or AKG C451's... overheads.

Budget pack
Audio-technical ATM25... kick.
Shure SM57... snare.
Oktava MC-012's... overheads.
Play with placement alot. Search around on the forums for "modified spaced pair", "recorderman drum mic", "glynn johns" Those are my two favorite (msp and recorderman are the same) and get a big sound with 3 to four mics.