A few simple questions about recording...


New member
I'm recording my digital piano album now with the Tascam 144, getting very clean sound and im impressed.. thanks for recommending that I get the Tascam, that was great advice!

A few questions about recording my album:

1. What is the best decibel peak level to shoot for when recording a track? I heard someone say that the decibel peak level should never exceed -3, other sites such as this one say -.5 is the right peak level.. but Im wondering what the industry standard is?

2. I read an article that says that normalizing tracks actually causes more noise and loses sound quality, is that true? Do you recommend normalizing, and what guidelines should I use?

3. I'm recording digital piano, right now the quiet more lyrical passages are coming in at about -15 DB, is that way too low for a piano recording?

4. Is it best to record at a much higher DB level then you want, and then take it to a professional to be mastered?

I'm sorry for all the questions, but I don't really know where else to turn, I can't find too much good info on this topic on the web except for over-detailed articles about the history of decibels, etc...

Thanks, i really appreciate it..


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