A few days and several remixes after...

Claudius Rex

New member
Hi, I posted this here song a while back and only one person replied, but nevertheless his comments were helpful. So, here is a remixed version (5th or so since I've last posted). I've boosted the vocals and done all sorts of neat effects. Have a listen:

Sounds like a great start. Didin't get a chance to hear the other post (mix), but I would suggest bringing the vocals more up front (even more). Also, work on the drum machine programming quite a bit. The basic backbeat is fine, but drastically needs variation. I find that I always spend waaaaaaaayyyyyyy to much time on the drums, and therefore take note when I think that someone is not applying themselves to each and every aspect of a tune. The lead in the intro could be ironed out. Not sure what you are saying, but I like the feel of the vocals and think they work well with the tune. I also think that the guitar tone for the rhythym track sounds well tweaked for the tune. Good job! Just work on those Drums a bit. Thanks for the post.

Not bad at all. I thought it was too light on the bass (I thought it could use some more ass, ya know what I mean?). I agree, the guitar tone sounds good.
cool tune.. I would bring up the lead vocals a bit more and the bass a lot more..... the outro 'wwwoooooeeess' didnt sound that good to me, but I like the lead vocals.. bring up the bass..

good tune!

Thanks for listening!

I didn't write the song, and I wanted to make a "perfect" rendition of the original so I copied the drum patterns as exactly as possible (th original had real drums and was a little off-beat so I think I improved it a tad). I'm not a big fan of th woahs at th end, but again I was trying to make it aas close to the original as possible. Again, thanks for listening!
I would have to agree with the some of the others about the "whoas".Is this a cover tune?Just wondering if those are supposed to be there if it's a cover.The "whoas" are so far out of key with the song that they dont work.The bass needs to come up a lot.It has a good tone to it that needs to be felt and heard.Other than that I thought it was a kickin tune with a good vocal,drum and guitar mix.

Nice job!:D

P.S.What language is this song sung in?
Ditto on the vocals. I'd bring them up a bit.

I liked the tone on the rhythm guitar - especially when it kicks in after the intro. It sounded real nice. I liked the lead vocals - both the voice and the rapid fire delivery.

I didn't care for the lead guitar part in the intro - I thought it could have had a bit more to it. As it was, it was a bit simplistic. There was some kind of blip at :48 - couldn't tell what that was.

The "woh's" beginning at 1:51 overpowered things a bit. I'd back them off and maybe EQ out some mids.
Hehe everyone has the same opinions on the "woahs". They're terribly off-key in the original but I'm so used to singing along to it that it came out just as badly on my version. Yeah, it's a cover by a band called Central do Brasil, from Rio de Janeiro. It's in Portuguese. Thanks again for listening and commenting! I really appreciate it.

If anyone wants to listen to the original, I have it up (the band doesn't care about their songs being made to mp3)

Thanks again!

Well your version sounds better put together than the original, but your Whoas, are quite a bit out of the range compared to theirs. The originals are off slightly, but yours are gone. Great job otherwise like I said.
