A few Cubase SX questions


New member
Apologies if this has been answered before, or it should be in the newb forum, but I couldn't find anything on search and I thought this would be the best place to go...

...so I've got a new comp and put Cubase SX on it and now tracks (and splitting tracks etc) are all snapping to grid. First, I wish I knew about this on my old comp, but how do I turn it off? I feel like I've gone everywhere looking for snap to grid and I just can't find it.

Also, I've got a few EQs, inserts etc. saved for ease, so when I am editing I can get a consistent sound across all songs. However, there must be a way to set up a track so it's panned, EQ'd and has all the inserts ready added to it, could someone tell me how to do this, if it is possible?

Finally, is there a way to create a sort of sub-mix in cubase SX. So say I've got my drums sorted (panned, eq'd, whatever) and I want them under one master track so that I can change the overall volume of the drums without having to move all the volume sliders individually. Can I do this without saving the drums as a wav and then importing into the song???

Hope this all makes sense, I find it difficult to explain all this Cubase stuff, I don't think I know the lingo. Also, I've had a long day.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hey other than knowing that your using cubase SX, which version? I have used SX3 and am currently on 5 so I dont really know anything before that.

There should be a button on the top menu that kinda looks like this >!< scroll over all the icons and a text box should come up telling you what it does, other then that read the manual. for creating a sub mix or linking tracks, select all the track you want to link, Clicking on the first, holding shift and selecting the rest. once you have done that right click and a menu should come down scroll down the list untill you see 'link' or 'link tracks'

I dont really understand what you want from the other questions
umm, regarding the drum track question -

I think there is a way, but I do it your way =p.

Solo the tracks, export and import back in hehe.

I'll be looking forward to someone replying on a better way to do this as well =-)
for creating a sub mix or linking tracks, select all the track you want to link, Clicking on the first, holding shift and selecting the rest. once you have done that right click and a menu should come down scroll down the list untill you see 'link' or 'link tracks'

Thats the way to do it, By linking the tracks you control all the levels of the linked tracks at the same time, meaning your drum mix stays the same just generally moves up or down the volume.

I know on cubase 5 there are track presets. just like the delay presets, reverb presets etc. which load the track out with all the inserts and eq settings. But im not sure how you save/ make them. Im struggling to find where the files are kept for preference settings and keycommands
...so I've got a new comp and put Cubase SX on it and now tracks (and splitting tracks etc) are all snapping to grid. First, I wish I knew about this on my old comp, but how do I turn it off?

the >|< button at the top, next to where you specify the snap granularity.

Also, I've got a few EQs, inserts etc. saved for ease, so when I am editing I can get a consistent sound across all songs. However, there must be a way to set up a track so it's panned, EQ'd and has all the inserts ready added to it, could someone tell me how to do this, if it is possible?

File / Save as Template - it saves the ENTIRE project including all tracks, fader/pan/insert settings, (even the audio) as a template. Next time you create a new project, you can use that template and start with all your tracks and settings laid out automatically.

Finally, is there a way to create a sort of sub-mix in cubase SX. So say I've got my drums sorted (panned, eq'd, whatever) and I want them under one master track so that I can change the overall volume of the drums without having to move all the volume sliders individually. Can I do this without saving the drums as a wav and then importing into the song???

Sure, create a group track, then assign the outputs of all your drum tracks to that group track instead of ASIO L/R or whatever your master output is. If the group track didn't default to it, set the output of the group track to ASIO L/R (or whatever your master output is).
for creating a sub mix or linking tracks, select all the track you want to link, Clicking on the first, holding shift and selecting the rest. once you have done that right click and a menu should come down scroll down the list untill you see 'link' or 'link tracks'

I like group tracks better cuz you can adjust the submix without unlinking everything and relinking it after.. This is exactly what group tracks are for. Then you can apply automation to the submix instead of all the individual tracks, while maintaining your individual track automations. I dont even know what would happen if the automation on one track conflicted with other linked tracks.....
Thanks for all your helps guys. I'll be giving this stuff a go at the weekend, I'm sure it'll work!

Thanks again.