A couple of new songs


New member
Hey everyone! It's been a while, but I recently got back to writing and recording. I have a couple of songs that I'd like some feedback on.

First, most of the songs I've been doing this year have been what I would call acoustic britpop rock... so with these two I'm trying to change it up a little. Also, I'm trying for something more accessible / radio-friendly.

When The World Comes Down On You

It's about fighting what I call the Comfortable Rut. When someone sits back and let's things happen instead of making things happen.

Baby Don't You Let Me Down

I was a little hesitant at posting this one, as I'm not happy with the vocals and will be redoing them. But it's about a guy that enjoys the abuse his girl brings to him.

Please take a listen and let me know what you think.


I liked both of these tunes. The lyrics were pretty good and the music was solid. I listened to the cuts on earphones so can't comment on the mix.

Where I thought they could use a little work is the arrangement. There were places where it felt like nothing new was happening.

There's an easy fix for this. Make subtle changes to the arrangement. Listen to almost any U2 song, for example, and you'll find no two 8 bar sections the same. By way of example, listen to 'Vertigo' and you think it's this straight ahead rock song, same chords, nothing much changes. But listen to the second half of the second verse. That little riff that Edge adds makes it feel different. The brige is even more obvious. These little additions keep the song moving forward.

I discovered this effect after alot of my original music started sounded repetitive. Small changes (adding an instrumental part or changing the vocal melody or harmonies or even noise in the background--listen to the 'Vertigo' intro to hear the noise in the right channel) goes along way. Thing is most people don't realize it's there, but it changes the way everyone hears the music. If you start listening for it, you'll start hearing these little extras everywhere in popular music.

Just my 2 cents worth.