a Bats Brew Halloween tune: "The Payment (werewolf song)"


Well-known member


high def works best.

story background:
it's a little ditty about 2 brothers and a lycanthrope.......

it's loosely based on the original wolfman movie, the one where larry talbot gets bitten by the werewolf,
and he see's the pentagram in his hand; he knows he's phucked,
so he goes to the old gypsy woman who knows about these things,
to find a cure, and she basically tells him the only thing for him to do, is to kill himself......
quite the bum deal.

anyway, these 2 brothers have been partying all night, drunk as skunks,
and one of them staggers out into the moor, and proceeds to meets his maker.

the remaining brother wants revenge, but has sobered up now,
and figures out that he'd better get some kind of ammunition...

....so he goes to see the gypsy-witch, to get some aconite (wolfsbane) and a spell here and a prayer there,
and believes that he is well prepared, and he goes out to the moor to get his revenge.

but that's not what he gets......

“The Payment”
Written by RF Gilliland

Nightime, on the moor
drank up all the mead
mist is in the air
full moon, did the deed.

never saw the evil...
that poor ole son of a bitch
felt the claws that gripped his throat
yeah, he was dead without a twitch.

"it's your brother down on the moor,
with his head down at his feet!"

drink the aconite, tonight
toast the witches curse
pray to whoever you believe in
to pass over you the worst

it's your brother on the moor,
with his head down at his feet
and the debt has not been paid in full
will you, your maker, meet?

run into the moor
and see the evil eye
upon you, cast a glance,
and the payment, it is nigh.
the guitars were a blast to record....

i had an empty downstairs apartment handy when i recorded this some years ago...

i had my entire rig setup, and jacked to the max,
and i could just stand near the rig and it would start playing..... something!


and sometimes it was spooky,
so it totally worked.

i have 10 tracks of 'sound effect' guitar to work with,
and only use a little at a time, but that's all that background noise during the center breakdown part

after the loss of head :eek:
gear used:
You need to do a concept album. ;)


i've already done two 'psuedo' concept albums..........
or at least, a albums worth of tunes tied together by a common thread...... twice.

but a bunch of halloween tunes......hm,
i don't know.
it would be fun, for sure!

ok, i'm on!
You need to do a concept album. ;)
The high concept of the album would be to include each posted iteration of this song in HR history onto one disc, (may need two though).
The Title: Wolfman Marks Territory -subtitled Hallo Weeing.
It could be the Eraser Head of Amateur Music, (without the insanity & creativity of the movie), and folk would challenge each other, for large amounts of money, to listen to it in its entirety.
The high concept of the album would be to include each posted iteration of this song in HR history onto one disc, (may need two though).
The Title: Wolfman Marks Territory -subtitled Hallo Weeing.
It could be the Eraser Head of Amateur Music, (without the insanity & creativity of the movie), and folk would challenge each other, for large amounts of money, to listen to it in its entirety.
Well, in my 3 or so years of being on this board, this is the first I'd heard the tune.
I liked it but I'm not sure I'd listen to a CD or a double album of all of it's versions. :D
Well, in my 3 or so years of being on this board, this is the first I'd heard the tune.
I liked it but I'm not sure I'd listen to a CD or a double album of all of it's versions. :D

You should pay more attention - it's an annual post - since I started lurking and posting in 2006.
It doesn't really hold up to annual inspection - I think of it as a road worthiness check & send it back for more work each time.
You should pay more attention - it's an annual post - since I started lurking and posting in 2006.
It doesn't really hold up to annual inspection - I think of it as a road worthiness check & send it back for more work each time.

This is the Show-Off forum, Gonzo is more than welcome to post as many songs as he wants as many times as he wants. Get over it. You come back after a 6 month hiatus to give him shit on how many times he posts a song? WTF.
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Oh, Chili,
I'm terribly sorry I upset you.
All I did was point out the obsessive self promotion of a chap who could easily write about creatures under the bridge.
Hey, I could've mentioned that he's posted fewer commentaries on other people's work that the total number of times he's re-posted the same or extremely minimally tweaked Werewolf thing.
I could've mentioned that I bought one of his CD.
Six months hiatus - well you herniated that!
Werewolf Turnover Factor?
AT LEAST 15 times posted in the MP3 Clinic - now he's trying another spot hoping for some sunlight.
Naturally you're shiny Sheriff's badge needed an outing.
I'm chastened. I'm even more chastened by Gonzo's Neg rep of me and using that process to call me a, a, a troll.
Funnily enough that's a character that should be embraced by Halloweenies.
Ouch. I shall go to my room, sit on my bed and think on the harmful, unkind and self obsessed things I did to others today.
I'm impressed that two members thank you for your post.
I was SO impressed with your summarily performed law enforcement that I thanked you as well: I felt the peer pressure to do so &, this being the internet, insincere expressions of thoughts and prayer are always appropriate.
Your 21,474,863 rep points have shown me the error of my ways. I will work hard to improve my paltry 21,436,479 to match your estimable level. Interesting number since we joined HR only a couple of moths apart & I've posted seven times this year.
Oh, Chili,
I'm terribly sorry I upset you.
All I did was point out the obsessive self promotion of a chap who could easily write about creatures under the bridge.
Hey, I could've mentioned that he's posted fewer commentaries on other people's work that the total number of times he's re-posted the same or extremely minimally tweaked Werewolf thing.
I could've mentioned that I bought one of his CD.
Six months hiatus - well you herniated that!
Werewolf Turnover Factor?
AT LEAST 15 times posted in the MP3 Clinic - now he's trying another spot hoping for some sunlight.
Naturally you're shiny Sheriff's badge needed an outing.
I'm chastened. I'm even more chastened by Gonzo's Neg rep of me and using that process to call me a, a, a troll.
Funnily enough that's a character that should be embraced by Halloweenies.
Ouch. I shall go to my room, sit on my bed and think on the harmful, unkind and self obsessed things I did to others today.
I'm impressed that two members thank you for your post.
I was SO impressed with your summarily performed law enforcement that I thanked you as well: I felt the peer pressure to do so &, this being the internet, insincere expressions of thoughts and prayer are always appropriate.
Your 21,474,863 rep points have shown me the error of my ways. I will work hard to improve my paltry 21,436,479 to match your estimable level. Interesting number since we joined HR only a couple of moths apart & I've posted seven times this year.

I hope all is well with you Ray.
Oh, Chili,
I'm terribly sorry I upset you.
All I did was point out the obsessive self promotion of a chap who could easily write about creatures under the bridge.
Hey, I could've mentioned that he's posted fewer commentaries on other people's work that the total number of times he's re-posted the same or extremely minimally tweaked Werewolf thing.
I could've mentioned that I bought one of his CD.
Six months hiatus - well you herniated that!
Werewolf Turnover Factor?
AT LEAST 15 times posted in the MP3 Clinic - now he's trying another spot hoping for some sunlight.
Naturally you're shiny Sheriff's badge needed an outing.
I'm chastened. I'm even more chastened by Gonzo's Neg rep of me and using that process to call me a, a, a troll.
Funnily enough that's a character that should be embraced by Halloweenies.
Ouch. I shall go to my room, sit on my bed and think on the harmful, unkind and self obsessed things I did to others today.
I'm impressed that two members thank you for your post.
I was SO impressed with your summarily performed law enforcement that I thanked you as well: I felt the peer pressure to do so &, this being the internet, insincere expressions of thoughts and prayer are always appropriate.
Your 21,474,863 rep points have shown me the error of my ways. I will work hard to improve my paltry 21,436,479 to match your estimable level. Interesting number since we joined HR only a couple of moths apart & I've posted seven times this year.

sarcasm doesn't become you.
Werewolf Turnover Factor?
AT LEAST 15 times posted in the MP3 Clinic - now he's trying another spot hoping for some sunlight.

Well I guess I don't pay that much attention. :D
. Never heard those 15 earlier incarnations. This last one did it. It was brought out into the sunlight and I heard it. (For the first time)

But isn't that the way music mktg in the real world works? An artist or label keeps on flooding you with their musical, or not so musical, offerings.

I liked the tune, and take no offense to him putting stuff out a lot. There's a bunch of stuff the GONZO-X has done that I quite honestly like.

What I don't like is how it seems that on so many threads he posts it turns into a shit fest, not because of the music quality, but the quantity. Someone is always offended by his amount of offerings.

Personally I don't care how much someone posts their stuff, even if they never comment on other's music.

As long as someone isn't breaking the forum rules I don't think theres any limit to how much music you post.

But then again, I don't pay that much attention. Nor do I have to. ;)

Personally I don't care how much someone posts their stuff, even if they never comment on other's music.
It's a pretty gauche. You shouldn't actively request effort from a community if you're not going to offer to contribute back.

I stopped reading most Gonzo threads for this reason about a year ago.

Sarcasm? Me?
If sarcasm doesn't become me then perhaps I become sarcasm.
Osmosis works in weird, yet wonderful, ways its evolution to perform.

I am become sarcasm, annoyer of worlds! :D
Isn't the first lesson in Troll 101 to just ignore?

There's no compulsion to read posts from people you are not keen on, or to listen to music you've heard before, or to be exasperated because your worldview has been compromised.