$99 Nady SCM900 Mic Any Good?


New member
Having heard good things about the cheap Marshall large diaphragm mic at about $150, I was wonddering about a similarly priced one. Musicians Friend has the Nady SCM900 mic at $99. Anyone had any experience with it?

Keep Rockin',

I've heard several bad remarks about all Nady equipment and I've heard that the Marshall MXL2001 isn't too good either. I would recommend looking into the Rode NT1 ($150) if you want a large diaphragm mic. I would also strongly recommend looking at the Sure SM57. Althogh it's not a large diaphragm it is still an excellent mic and might serve your needs quite well, much better than the Nady or Marshall. Also, it won't become obsolite when you upgrade to better mics. Do some searching for it and you'll find several people with very large mic collections that still use these and love them. Then you can save up for a good large diaphragm mic later.
Have a couple of 57s and am looking at cheap options

I'm pretty happy with the 57s I have, but am looking to step up for cheap. I've heard the NT1 is a good step up in quality, but a bit harsh and bright with significant proximity effect. Have you heard anything specific about the Marshall or is it just a general lack of satisfaction with it? The comments about the Marshall a few days ago in this same microphone forum sounded pretty positive.

Thanks a lot and keep rockin',

Re: Have a couple of 57s and am looking at cheap options

Stinky said:
Have you heard anything specific about the Marshall or is it just a general lack of satisfaction with it? The comments about the Marshall a few days ago in this same microphone forum sounded pretty positive.
I did a search and found someone who was talking about testing a bunch of Marshall mics and a few others (but I can't find it now), and from what I remember he liked the Marshall mics in general just not the MXL2001, (and I think there were a few others but I don't remember what they were).

Stinky said:
I'm pretty happy with the 57s I have, but am looking to step up for cheap.
If you want to upgrade from an SM57, you won't be able to step up for cheap and especially not with a Nady or Marshall. If you don't mind waiting a little longer I would very strongly recommend the AT4033 ($350), a bit expensive but well worth it. You may be able to find a cheaper used one on Ebay though.

Nady SCM 1000 better than SCM 900

On paper, the SCM 900 looks pretty average, but check out the SCM 1000, it has way better specs. It is Nady's "top of the line", and I got one from Musicians Friend for $149. Dual-diaphragm, low-cut filter, -10 db pad, multi-pattern. The trick is Musician's Friend doesn't advertise it in their catalog, but it's on their web page. I have been very pleased with the SCM 1000, moreso than Rode NT1 or Marshall. I love it. And for $149 you can't beat it!

Nady better than the NT1 and Marshall?

WOW!!! That's very interesting. I'm suprised there haven't been any replies to that claim. Anybody agree with Lunkhead? Thanks for the input!---Stinky