96000 serious problems


New member
i was recording at 44.1 and decided to make the jump to 96. recorded one song and everything was fine.
every song since then, when i come out of the recording room and hit stop, the lengths of the tracks are all different. when i listen to the song everything is fine until the 5 minute mark, where all of a sudden the instruments lose time with one another.
Could this be related to using 96 insted of 44.1?
Do they just sound out of sync or are they at the wrong pitch too? If they are also at the wrong pitch, it is possible that you inadvertently changed the sampling rate at the 5 minute mark and recorded at the wrong sampling rate. If they are not at the wrong pitch, then the timing issues would be related to something else. If these are MIDI tracks, open them in the piano roll editor and make sure the notes are where they are supposed to be. The timing could be off due to latency settings while you were recording. Anyway some more info on how you recorded those tracks, what kinds of tracks these are and your system settings would be helpful to figure out the problem.
i figured out that i had saved a template with some information in the pools. it was screwing up everything.
i'm new to computer recording, i switched to 96000 sampling rate (all live audio) because i assume it sounds better. can anyone reassure this newbie that i'm not recording gigantic files and using up my hard drive space for nothing?
i was wondering about that too

I have a firestation which only goes up to 48khz and asked my friend in guitar center if i should upgrade to 96khz devices and he said, unless i'm recording a room full of choir or in a big stage settings, there is no need to go for 96khz yet..

and i don't knwo if your setup is high end or not but he also mentioned that even when you record with 96k, if the devices you are playing thru aren't high ends it is not going to make too much of a difference.

hope this helps.. I'm a newb also but just wanted to share what i heard =)

god bless