8track cartridge - Lear Jet

reel buzzer

New member
I just saw on Discovery Wings that Robert Lear who developed the first business jets wanted music in his planes so he helped develop the 8track cartridge which was later adapted for cars and homes.
A pox on him forever more!:mad:


How many people have been driven insane by listening to the song being interrupted midway through the track for the cartridge to change channels?

How many murders and suicides has it contributed to?

The world may never know!:eek:

Cheers! :)
Really, what was the line of thinking behind that?

"OK, we'll use a complicated technology that is sure to fail so that we can get an inferiour listening experience because of breaks, and bad tracking!"
By no means. It taught a generation that technology is untrustworthy, unreliable, and disappointing in operation. Sort of the way high school prepares you for the real world: things aren't fair, the jerks are in charge, and there you are trying to get along and everybody frowns on you.

Much more sensible than the current "technology can do anything including fight a bloodless short war in Iraq" thinking.