85-16B Owner Looking For Console, Suggestions?


New member
Hello All!

So - as the title of the thread suggests, I am the proud owner of a Tascam 85-16B, and I'm looking for some recommendations as far as a console to pair up with this bad boy.

I've been recording since I picked up a Tascam Porta 03 back in geez, 1993 maybe. Two years later I dropped some major bucks on a 388 (I actually had to buy it on layaway - don't ask how much!). I recorded hundreds of reels on that 388 but sadly parted ways with it about 5 years back. Since then I've been doing the computer recording thing.

Anyways - I picked up this 85-16B about a year ago, it was an amazing deal, the machine was super clean and I was itching to get back to analog recording. At the moment I have a Soundworkshop Logex 8 that I use as a front end to my DAW. The Logex is an inline monitor board, but only 12 channels.

So any suggestions on makes/models to look at specifically? Does the fact that the 85-16B has -10 dB unbalanced inputs limit me to a smaller percentage of consoles? I've done some digging on Tascam, Studiomaster & Soundcraft boards but I'm not sure what models would click with the tape machine I've got.

Right now my budget is about a grand, give or take. I record mostly rock music - drums, guitar, bass etc. I don't have any outboard gear yet but plan on adding some time based FX and dynamics processing in the future - so integration will be something I need to think about.

ANY advice, insight or feedback would be a HUGE help! Thanks! Matt
I'd say,...

If you're apt to record no more than 8-tracks simultaneously on that bad boy, then score a Tascam M-520.

If you're planning on possibly recording >8-tracks simul, get two. ;)

A Reel Person said:
If you're apt to record no more than 8-tracks simultaneously on that bad boy, then score a Tascam M-520.

If you're planning on possibly recording >8-tracks simul, get two. ;)

Hello - Thanks for the recommendation! As I'm doing some searching through old threads here it looks like alot of people are fond of the M520 AND isn't too pricey.

I'm thinking that if I do need to cut more than 8 tracks a time I could use the direct outs on my Soundworkshop console to tape and use the Tascam for tape monitor, headphone mixes and mixdown.

I forsee more cables, RCA plugs and soldering in my future...I really do like making cables and snakes though - it's a great time to listen to entire records front to back. My favorite snake-soldering record is Powerage by AC/DC, but I digress...

So, any other boards I should be on the lookout for?
The 300 series boards from TASCAM would also be well suited to hooking up with your deck but they only a 4 buss architecture. However, they do offer direct outs on each channel so technically they could work too.

I use a couple of M312B's cascaded together to form a 24 x 24 x 4 x 2 mixer for my TASCAM MS16 deck which is the slightly newer version of your recorder.

Cheers! :)
The Ghost of FM said:
The 300 series boards from TASCAM would also be well suited to hooking up with your deck but they only a 4 buss architecture. However, they do offer direct outs on each channel so technically they could work too.

I use a couple of M312B's cascaded together to form a 24 x 24 x 4 x 2 mixer for my TASCAM MS16 deck which is the slightly newer version of your recorder.

Cheers! :)

Thanks for the suggestion Ghost - Awesome pic as well! I could look at studio pictures all day long.

I'm for sure going to add the Tascam 300 series to my "seek" list as well. Looks to be pretty similar layout wise to the 388.

So, will a console with +4 output just not work with the 85-16B? The last thing I want to do is overload the inputs of the DBX unit. Eeek. There's an accessory in the 85-16B manual, the IP16, IIRC, that give the machine balanced XLR input. Maybe I should keep an eye out for one of those as well.

Anybody have info on boards outside of the Tascam line? Or will I get the most bang for my buck with Tascam? I've always had good luck with their gear!

Thanks again! Matt

Any thoughts on
A +4 out console will work fine. Buy or make the appropriate interface cables and you're set.

I bought my 85-16b new back in the 80's (still have it) and also owned the regular type 85-16's before that. I've used those machines with +4 consoles several times over the years. You simply run the console output faders at a lower level on a +4 out board. If you want to be real picky, run test tones out of whatever console you buy so that you can find where the fader settings are on the console's master out that make a test tone hit "0" on the 85-16b when set to "input".
matthewmilner said:
Hello All!

So - as the title of the thread suggests, I am the proud owner of a Tascam 85-16B, and I'm looking for some recommendations as far as a console to pair up with this bad boy.

I've been recording since I picked up a Tascam Porta 03 back in geez, 1993 maybe. Two years later I dropped some major bucks on a 388 (I actually had to buy it on layaway - don't ask how much!). I recorded hundreds of reels on that 388 but sadly parted ways with it about 5 years back. Since then I've been doing the computer recording thing.

Anyways - I picked up this 85-16B about a year ago, it was an amazing deal, the machine was super clean and I was itching to get back to analog recording. At the moment I have a Soundworkshop Logex 8 that I use as a front end to my DAW. The Logex is an inline monitor board, but only 12 channels.

So any suggestions on makes/models to look at specifically? Does the fact that the 85-16B has -10 dB unbalanced inputs limit me to a smaller percentage of consoles? I've done some digging on Tascam, Studiomaster & Soundcraft boards but I'm not sure what models would click with the tape machine I've got.

Right now my budget is about a grand, give or take. I record mostly rock music - drums, guitar, bass etc. I don't have any outboard gear yet but plan on adding some time based FX and dynamics processing in the future - so integration will be something I need to think about.

ANY advice, insight or feedback would be a HUGE help! Thanks! Matt

Allen& Heath 24Track 4 or 8 buss board will do it.
BRDTS said:
A +4 out console will work fine. Buy or make the appropriate interface cables and you're set.

I bought my 85-16b new back in the 80's (still have it) and also owned the regular type 85-16's before that. I've used those machines with +4 consoles several times over the years. You simply run the console output faders at a lower level on a +4 out board. If you want to be real picky, run test tones out of whatever console you buy so that you can find where the fader settings are on the console's master out that make a test tone hit "0" on the 85-16b when set to "input".

Thanks for the information - When I was researching the 85-16B I read some of your archived posts and they were really helpful in deciding on this machine.

Knowing that I can use a +4 console really opens my options - Guess I just gotta wait for the right thing to come along.

Thanks so much for the help!