8 analog line in recommendations


New member
Ok here's the setup.

P4 1.8ghz
1gb Ram

Steinberg Houston

Behringer 3248? ( 32 channels , 8 busses )

Now I need the sound card side of things.
I have been reading the forums for about 8 hours now today and i'm even more confused. I have read the good and bad about the Delta 1010 and a few others. Is there one that stands out that gives 8 analog in ? I would like to buy used and keep the price somewhat within used Delta 1010 territory.
If you want to stay in the "used Delta 1010" price range, that's about the only thing you're going to find. Not that it would be a bad find - I've got nothing against the 1010 and have used them on several occassions with no complaints. Considered getting one myself for the rare times that I need more than two inputs.

John Scrip - www.massivemastering.com