788 Question about setting a delay between channels


New member
I used to do all of my recording on my computer and an effect I enjoyed was being able to duplicate a track on the far left and far right and then set a slight delay between them. Is there any easy way to do this on the 788?
set your "in point", "end point" and "to point" as follows

ABS 00h 00m 00s oof 0 for the in point;
ABS 00h XXm XXx XXf 0 for the out point, where XX is the end of your song; and
ABS 00h 00m 00s 00f 5 for the to point.

Load the track you want to "thicken up" into an odd numered channel, load a blank virtual track into the next even numbered channel, and then copy the odd numbered channel to the even numbered channel. Either link the pair, or hard pan the two channels left/right and you've got a great "articial double tracking" sound.

Sounds great for vocals and guitar solos..... Ask the Beatles. :D