788 Dynamics


New member
Thanks Trigger, That's interesting to know, I think so far I've only used Channel Dynamics - I think i'll give the Stereo Dynamics a try and report back.

Yeah that's pretty much what I use the Focusrite for, It's my only stand alone Pre - I put all the vocals through it first and anything else that I record DI.

I think i'll get a handle on the 788's Dynamics then maybe once i'm more familiar with the wonderful world of compression i'll look at getting an Outbard unit - I here the RNC ones are pretty good.

Sorry to be a pain - Maybe I could ask one more question. I have a Lexicon effects unit - I know you can use this through the aux inputs - BUT does this mean that I can then no longer use the Dynamics sectioin - I don't use alot of effects, I would like to give the lexicon a try though, BUT I really don't want to sacrifice the Compression and dynamics side of things.


You're not a pain at all.

You can use the Stereo or Channel dynamics along with the Lexicon.

You're bringing the output of the Lexicon into the AUX-INS? If so,
assign the AUX-INS to whatever channel pair you want to record on, then assign either Channel or Stereo Dynamics.

By default, when you assign the AUX-INS to a pair of tracks(since it's stereo), it LINKS those two tracks together. So the Fader for the Odd Channel controls the volume for both the left and right channels.

You can UNLINK those two tracks.

Hold down the SELECT button on the left track and press and release the SELECT button for the right Track. It looks like it turns the right channel off, but if you press the AUX-IN button you'll see both the left and right SELECT buttons flash, that means they are assigned to their respective tracks.

NOW you have individual fader and effects controls for the left and right channels.