703 for Québecois Dummies


New member
Salut le monde,

Just wondering if anyone on this board hails from the province of Quebec and has actually bought 703 somewhere.

I'm looking to tinker with a modest-sized room (8' x 13') in my finished basement and try to make it "interview-worthy" more than a full-on studio space.

I've been phoning like a maniac and can't find anybody, including roofing and insulation contractors, that deals in 703 or its subsitutes (AF530 or CB300) in the Sherbrooke, Quebec area. If I could find a source in Montreal that'd be great, but I don't feel like racking up the long-distance charges calling around futilely.

If anyone knows where I can buy a few pieces -- or if they want to split a load with me -- let me know!
