66\1010lt bus questions


New member
ok this may seem confusing
i am using a delta 66 and 1010lt simultaniously...everything works great...i just want it to work better.
My monitors have a loud humm to them which i am working on fixing(that is not my issue)...everytime i record something with a mic...i have to mute my monitors....the way i have it set up is...delta66 1\2 outs are my monitors and delta 1010 outs are my headphoens....so for tracking...i mute my 66. switch the bus to the 1010 and im good to go....when mixing i unmute the 66 switch the bus and am good to go....is there some much easier solution here???

ha if any further explanation is needed that would be great...really i think i need to spend the money on a power conditioner but it would be great to be able to do something else.

-thanks in advance
