600-Ohm headphones


New member
Can a Sony CD Walkman, or a SB PCI 64, drive a pair of 600-Ohm headphones to sufficient listening level?
I want to get a pair of Beyer DT990 Pros, and see how some well-produced CDs sound on them. But I don't know much the higher impedence (the headphones I have now are 24-Ohm) will affect the listening level.
The answer is, "no".

I have a pair of Maxell HP-700 headphones that I bought at K-Mart for $13. There is a volume control and stereo/mono switch in the cable.

Using a multitester, I adjusted the volume control till the meter indicated 600-Ohms. Then I plugged the headphones onto the Walkman. Result: barely audible in a quiet room.

I was considering buying a pair of reference headphones in order to educate my ears. But the Sony CD Walkman cannot drive a pair of 600-Ohm headphones to a level sufficient for this purpose.
Just curious...

If you're willing to spring for the dt-990's (I've never heard them, but the 770's are my all time favorite - I gotta get a pair!), then why does it have to be driven by a walkman? If nothing else, you can get a heaphone amp and plug your walkman or soundcard into it.

Also, if you're just getting the Beyers to "educate your ears, be careful. All you'll really end up doing is educating your ears as to what those cd's sound like though Beyer Dt-990 headphones.

I see you're in Indy. I'm 50 miles South in Bloomington. Small world.

The 990s are open-air versions of the 770s.

To answer your question, they don't have to be driven by a Walkman. I just want a pair of reference phones so I can listen to CDs and see what the person who mixed them was hearing when he/she made the mix.
The only reason I mention Walkman and SoundBlaster is that's what I would be playing the CDs on.

Yes, theoretically I could get a headphone amp. But there are too many other things I need first. All I have right now is a mic and an acoustic/electric 6-string. I want to get monitors next. A headphone amp is on the list, but it's not near the top.

I am working with Pro Audio 8. Are you using a sequencer?