6 My 9- Blues-Rock

I am listening right now.

The intro screwed me up a bit... thought I accidently clicked on some cheap.... well I won't spoil it for those who haven't listened yet. :D

I am typing as I listen... I really dig the grooving bass, and the drums are pretty tight, but I my personal taste is a bit more cymbals (but this ain't my song, is it? :D )

I think the solo could cut through a bit more. A screamer like that needs to take the heads off the first row of the audience, you know what I mean?

Overall, it's a keeper.
Oh, and sorry I missed this one the first time around. I've been promising you for months that I'd listen to your stuff as soon as I had a real internet connection.
So here's to a promise kept... :cool:
The solo may not cut enough because it's a new guitar and slightly different sound from the Epi I usually use. Thanks for listening!
Agree the solo is a bit too buried. I think it's an eq thing though. It seems to be missing some high end bite and is muddying with the rhythm guitar. I might try finding a one or two frequency bands that, when boosted, give it that nasty bite and then notch those same ones out of the rhythm guitar.

I would also tone back the chorus on the rhythm guitar a hair, but that's a personal taste thing.

But these are just minor suggestions. It's a cool song and sounds great.
Has a very live SRV sound to it.
Good song & recording.
Panning the vox was a cool edge too.
I like the level of the solo as is - clawing its way out of the primeval etc.
Cool stuff.
Lots of SRV feel going on here, specifically the rhythm background. The chorus just fills it out a bit, and doesn't seem excessive. Love the vibrato on the leads. Jackson sounds good... Mix overall sounds good to me....:cool:
I suppose it does have some SRV elements, He's definitely a huge influence. The last chord on the verses was one of his (and Hendrix' faves). The lead reminded me kinda of old Billy G and Leslie West of Mountain, but with the bend and vibrato it does cross into Stevie Ray territory. Thanks to all for the kind words.
I don't remember freighttrain jones, but a cool name nonetheless.

This performace is really nice. I like the lyrics...working "kiss my ass" in there is always a nice touch :p. The leads are appropriately screaming, squealing and whatnot.

Mix-wise, it seems a bit mid rangey and cluttered towards the center, but that may just be me. I can certainly hear everything but wish for a bit more separation.

I am not a big fan of chorus on guitars, but I think it works well on this track. Nice job man.
Thanks heatmiser. It's basicalyy just a power trio type song 1 guitar track ( I did double it and pan about 80% L and R) bass and drums and overdubbed the solos, so not really a lot going on, I'll look ionto some kind of speration or widening. Appreciate the comments.