512 cards confirmed

I'm beginning to wish I'd gone with the MR-8 instead of the VF-80. I'm still trying to navigate my way around the owner's manual to figure out how to do stuff.

I did take a cue from your efforts, dyoub. This afternoon I went to the local Ace Hardware store and purchased a washboard. Then on my weekly trip to the evil Walton empire store I purchased some thimbles.

Over time I hope to also acquire some bodhrans in different sizes and a guiro. Then my percussion selections available will be versatile, easy to store, easy to play, cheap, and less noisy than a full-blown drum kit [since I live in an apartment].
Hey 12 stringer,
I picked up a nifty little percussion instrument a few weeks ago, it looks like an egg....I guess it has bb's in it or something, it's really pretty cool. Cheap too, only a couple of bucks. Most of the music stores around here have them, you might want to check them out.

Okay, so who has gotten a 512MB card that works, and what brand is it, and where should I look to find it at the best price? Does anyone know of a particular online store selling cheaply any of the Fostex pre-confirmed cards (or even a non-confirmed card that anyone out there confirmed themselves)?

How about 1GB cards? Are there any out there for under $200 that will work with the MR-8?

I'm just gettin started, but I can already see that 128MB is a limitation I can do without.
The un-confirmed transcend 512mb 30X has not any problems since the mr-8 1.0.3 upgrade a month ago.
Of course, when I hear that vacum (creating a potential low voltage situation) making the rounds I start powering down the gear; quick !!
My simple tech 512 has worked like a charm, too. I don't know why the X is on their table--maybe they just buy one card and got a lemon.
Eric-Jensen said:
My simple tech 512 has worked like a charm, too. I don't know why the X is on their table--maybe they just buy one card and got a lemon.

Yeah -- I don't know. Werd. I get mine tomorrow so we'll soon see!
Got my SimpleTech 512MB cfc yesterday -- works like a champ! I've done a bunch of recording and bouncing down first to 5/6 and then everything to 7/8 and then creating a stereo wav file -- the card handled all these tasks with NO problems whatsoever. Bought it from J&R Music World for $149.88 + 4.95 shipping and handling. Just sent in the $50 rebate, so final cost will be $104.83.

Buy.com has the same card for $155.99 (including shipping) and there's still a $50 rebate on top of that. I just dropped by J&R, and it appears that the $50 rebate offer expired on 2/28/03 (the buy.com rebate offer runs until 3/31/03). Looks like buy.com is the best place to get it right now.

Now I've just got to buy one of those Yamaha BBG5S basses like Clif's and I'll be ALL set!