50 Cent - Many Men Remix.. the kinda shit 50 should be on..

Niceness... I did one a couple months back I may post it... this one sounds real good...

How is yur compilation coming ?

Nice!! Much better than the original IMHO and great mix.

When's the album dropping? I definitely want to cop that.

Def. better than the original.

I always found the original beat annoying and find myself rarely listening to it.

I don't need to say anything else. :cool:
What did Rat diggy say Niceness
i'm thinking nicestness

imho it would be nice to have the beat in the same key as the hook since he sings it

thanks.. I actually posted the wrong version of the remix, in the correct version I did soem effects to cover up when his singing hits sour notes.. the sample actually is in the same key just wrong notes are being sung.. peace
i like it a lot...

I Like this beat a lot...does need some compression on those drums i think, but its only me dont listen to me I can`t even compress my tracks the way i want them hehe ... but it does catch my ear and makes me wanna listen to it over and over and over...


what is that sound guitar-human voice sounding thing( its somebody singing in high pitched sound right?)... samples used or your hardware sound?? i hear samples...