488mkii not being made anymore

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New member
i just thought i'd let people know. If you're planning on getting one of these machines, get it asap. Tascam doesn't make them anymore. I was going to buy one just before x-mas but the guy at the music store said he couldn't get them anymore. He was talking to the Tascam rep and their going to have a different analog 8-track.
hmmm... im interested as to what the new one will be. as in still casette based i would believe. what are they going to change? maybe 8track simultaneous =) i would then have to go out and buy one for live applications.
Not to worry, guys (so to speak), you can order the Mk II from the Musician's Friend website (http://www.musiciansfriend.com)! I hope this has been of help.

They might just be re-vamping it, as the 424 had the MKII and MKIII. If they do, they had better put in at least 2 more XLR inputs. IT is so stupid that the 4 track has more than the 8 track, that and the inserts. That has always really ticked me off. Anyway, I work at a music store, and our REP for tascam still has them available. I will ask him about the new 8 track next time he comes in.

That's pretty cool that Tascam is sticking with it's cassette 8 track. I thought maybe they'd discontinue it totally considering the 488 costs the same as some of the digital 8 trackers like the Korg D8. Heck you could get a used Roland VS840 on ebay for about the price of a new 488. BTW I also tried to get a quote on a 488 from Markertek a few months ago and was told the unit was discontinued, I just didn't believe the guy cause he was so damn rude on the phone...sounded like he just wanted to hangup as quick as possible. Hmf.
Yo Mr. Jelly Belly Ache:

I'm not surprised that the 488 is out of production or being re-visited by the Tascam Engineers; IT'S A NOISY BOX; I had one or two of those, can't remember for sure, but I know I had one. The waiting, waiting, waiting for the tape to rewind was ugly. Then, pops, clicks, transients, alien voices, were all available everytime I would push a switch. I did make some nice stuff with the 488 but the Digital MD-8 is soooo much better. Just a push of a button, and SWOOSH, you're right back to the beginning to go into over-dubbing.

The price has really dropped on the 488 which is a sign that it has become an Edsel. You guys that love the 488, fine. I liked mine when it was all I had. But, when I plugged in the MD-8, my 488 became obsolete. And, you all know, the MD-8 is an all right box but there are certainly others that out-perform it. That will be my next step: 24 or 32 bit sound reproduction.

Happy recording,

Green Hornet

[This message has been edited by The Green Hornet (edited 02-04-2000).]
MD and any other compressed digital media is not as good sound. its compressed!
Yo Kristian:

Compared to the 488 Tascam, ANY DIGITAL BOX SOUNDS BETTER - compressed or digressed or regressed or obsessed - digital is better.

Faster. Smarter. Can be edited. Disc can be used over and over. Takes about 3 seconds to erase an entire disc.

Tape: you lose, especially with all the extra noise.

Try one with your ears beside a 488? You will then know.

From the Colonies: Cheers

Green Hornet

[This message has been edited by The Green Hornet (edited 02-07-2000).]
why cant a SSL and a 2" Studer appear in eveyones room tomorrow and make everyone happy?
I like my 488 mkII. They still got a couple at MARS in Bloomington, MN for around $650. Yeah, I know we sposed to hate MARS and stuff but they got some OK salesfolk out there. I haven't heard the aforementioned noise but maybe I'm accustomed to it. I like the mixer/tape interface...set up for a dummy like me.

News from the stores up here (Canada) is that the 488 series is GONE for good. They haven't gotten any new ones up here (in the province of Manitoba) for at least three years.
I've used the 488MkII before and couldn't complain about the sound. Considering the fact that it's running on cassette, it's pretty astounding how good things can end up if you know what you're doing.

I recently bought a 688 midistudio. It kicks the 488's butt in every way.
It's routing interface isn't the quietest thing I've ever used, but if you set it and leave it alone it's quite handy. Being able to record on all 8 tracks at once sure is great.
I almost bought an MD8 instead, but the decision came down to this:
MD8 - two XLR mic ins. 4 track recording at once.
688 - 10 XLR mic ins, 8 track recording at once.

The choice was clear. It's 7 years old, sure, but it sure works nicely.
