488 vs 424?


New member
I'm looking for opinions on whether a TASCAM 488 or 424 would be better for a newbie? I'll tell you that I just bought a 488 on e-bay, but am wondering whether the deal will go through....seller has been VERY slow with communication prior to the end of the sale. Immediately after the end of auction, I contacted the seller (about 36 hours ago) and still have no response. Anyway - if this falls through, should I go for another 488 or a 424?

I started out my home recording experience with a 414 MKII...and quickly found myself constrained by only having four tracks and wishing I had spent the money on eight tracks up front. I now have a 488 and I love it. Does the 424 have sweepable mids? This is another feature of the 488 that's really cool, your final mixes will sound much better. I get lots of compliments on how my mixes sound out of the 488. Also, I come from the Jimmy Page school of layering multiple guitar parts and in-your-face drums so the eight tracks are a must for me. If you really only think you'll need four tracks, won't do much track bouncing, aren't recording multiple instruments, don't care about having room to grow, etc. then go with the 424. If you want to have lots of flexibility and room to grow...I definitely recommend the 488. Good luck with your decision!
Thanks, ledhed. Just got a reply from the seller tonight, so looks like things will go through for me to get the 488. Guess it's like having a bigger, faster car compared to a slow one....you can always go below your limits, but can never go above them. By getting the 8-track, I'll set myself up for going farther before having to upgrade.
I just went through the debate of the two and decided on the 424. the main reason was that the 4-track has outputs for each channel. the 8-track did not. that means that once its on the 8-track it stays in the 8-track format. On the 4-track you can go onto a mixer and through diferent filters and back to the 4 track.
I recomend you get a 424 and a small mixer. it works great if you're on your own.