424 mkII dropout?


New member
Hello I have been recording quite a bit with my 424 mkII and last night experienced a 2 second dropout on track 2. It happened on playback and with a new maxell xlII 60 cassette..I have song recorded before the dropout that is fine no issues. Just curious what is the main cause of dropouts? Is there anything can I do to try and avoid them in the future?
I'll pose the obvious question first: how often do you clean the tape path and heads? It could be something as simple as a dirty head. As much as I love Maxell tapes, the latest incarnation of the XL-II doesn't seem to live up to it's former legendary stature. I've been hearing that they are hit and miss, so that could be a possibility as well. Just a couple of things to check into, if you haven't already.;)
jjones is correct. Maintaining a clean tape path is critical and, unfortunately, recent tape, including Maxell XLII, has problems. Some batches are good, some poor and some in between. The nature of the cassette head is such that each track is quite thin and the slightest of imperfections on tape or a spec of dust, dirt or oxide can and does create dropouts. That's the way of the cassette based recorder. You can minimize it but always expect a dropout or two. :(
Thanks for the replies. I clean the tape path often, almost before every recording. But I'm thinking now that it is the tape. There is just one small stretch on with a dropout, before and after that point seem to have no issues..just makes me nervous because I bought a few new ones and if I am tracking I guess I will just hope it will play back without a problem.
Thanks again,