32-2 , 42 , 52 , 60/2

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Dr ZEE said:
First of all based on the content of the original post - you don't know what the guy wants, you don't even know whether it's a guy or a 100 year old lady.
Here you go again.... Is stirring the pot, and creating chaos all you can do? I am a male, and the 100 year old thing, was just a joke, when I put in birthday. You are such an asshole! And I now, don't really care if you have cute little remarks that are zingers every now and then, you are rude, sarcastic, and make it unpleasant to try and participate in this forum. I guess, I will have to resign myself to just reading, to avoid your crap! And start to look for a new forum. Oh, by the way, He was right in what I wanted to know! Not in total, but in part. He offered his opinion, which is what I asked for. You attacked him & me for that matter. I know you won't go away, I did a search on your posts, and you have a history of creating chaos.

Dr ZEE said:
Second. One can not conclude whether one or the other device is better without stating the objective (the task to be accomplished by using the device, expectations, demands). MCI, I know it takes a little brain work and some analysis to grasp the concept, but you may try to.
So the devices can be designated as the same, as different, as better or worse (either way), or the differences can be pointed out and consequentially either justifiably dismissed or specifically highlighted, all depending on the specifics of situation.
The FACT is to come to any reasonable conclusion and thus "provide any real useful advice" one has to have as minimum two "rows of data":
1. clear information about the ojective(s) (what for and how the device is expected to be used)
2. Clear (real-life) practical experience with this specific device in the same environment and with the same objective(s) as specified in #1.

Now, in respect to "bullshit"

"All I said based in fact" - is bullshit, because of "I have no idea as to your machine..."
"I have no idea" - that is rather in fact.

"You may or may not have gotten lucky" - is bullshit.
The FACT is that thickness of 1/4" GP-9 tape and its effect on tape tension when using it on Tascam-32 machine is neglectable if measurable at all and has no practical effect on machine's performance nor it has any practical effect on head wear, motor wear or anything else.
Now, if you MCI2424 had any practical experience with Tascam 32, then you'd know it (well, maybe you would, I must say). But in your case, having practical experience with equipment does not require, because there's no requirements to pass what so ever in order to run around Home Recording forums and spread misinformation under pretentious claim of being a "professional expert".

Nop, I am not buylling you. - I am raisin public awareness about you.

The original poster may find it actually useful, when adding to the "mix" the fact that MCI2424 has no practical experience with Tascam-32 (forget about objectives! - that's a separate issue ;) ), yet would not hesitate to through in a heavy-duty comment or two about it. And that is just a one single example.

Happy shopping and all that. :rolleyes:
Blah, blah, blah... you are highjacking this thread, like you did earlier. Are you only happy if other people are unhappy, then you will calm down and be happy? I know a guy like that, and you seem to be like him. He doesn't try it on me, because, he knows I won't put up with it. But online, you can just irritate all you want and make it miserable for others, right?

Well, I will close this thread now, and I'm sure won't be missed, if I don't participate. Thanks for ruining my first online forum experience. Shoulda never bought this computer or maybe just not found this forum.

Thanks goes out to all those that did try to help and offer their opinions. Extra thanks to Mr. Beck, your posts were the most informative & lucid. Others were good also.

I will just stick with Revox's for now, and the local guys I know, that are like Beck. We all just try and help each other, because we love analog recording. None of us have branched out very far in brands. I would like to collect and use a few tascams someday, but will wait until i can glean more from a new forum, if I can find one. It's a shame though, because, there seemed to be some very experienced and knowledgable people here. To bad, some will ruin the experience for others, and they get to stay around. Oh well, that's all apart of life, I guess.

thanks again to those, who tried to help.... :)

Sorry treidm, gotta shut this one down, this drjerk won't stop. I will stay in touch with you, though. Got your email.
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