3" Tape?

Actually, prototype 3" tape was created by 3M during the beginning of their analog 24 track recorder development days.

They found that 3" wide tape was even more fragile and easily damaged than 2" tape, the cost was double, and it was REALLY difficult to slit, coat and handle, so they walked away from it and redesigned their 24 track headstack (shrunk it down in height) like everyone else's.

Unfortunately, that's why analog 2" 16 track rock records sound way more "slammin'" and drum-friendly than analog 2" 24 track rock recordings... the track width is much more narrow on 2" 24 track, so the signal is lower and has less headroom. So, if they'd been able to deal with 3" wide tape, most of the 24 track analog rock records would sound as good as the 16 track 2" rock records.