3 rock songs tracked with guitar bass and drums.

well, the guitar was extremely dominant. It was constant and played well but it didnt seem to have any dynamics to it. Like it was compressed and then limited so it was a flatline as far as a pulse. I didnt hear any bass. The drums werent too bad, jusr reeal weak, the bass drum sounded very unnatural, a lot like a really weak sounding synth kick. I`m not in for that particular type of music so I may not be able to give you a relative perspective for that genre. Only what I hear.
I'm listening to Fallen Sky and the thing that hits me hard is the horrible noise. Sounds like some kind of AC hum or something. Before anything else I would get to the bottom of that problem.

How are you recording this?
Left channel is clipping like hell, actually the whole mix is pushing really hard, especially near the bottom. I bailed on this one.

Ultimately some clippping on this one two.

Both of them had a pretty boomy bottom end that sort of eclipsed the rest of the mix. The songs sounded pretty cool.
some decent heavy riffage..but the recording quality was really poor that made it a major distraction to listen to. ..especially the 3rd song with something that kept coming in and out of the left channel.

this kind of music IMO seems to rely on having a good sound to it to kick some booty. With the gtrs being so midranged, the extraneious noise, non existant bass and weak drums, it really brought the level of things down quite a bit. Using minimum chord changes and long sustained power chords, you HAVE TO have a killer sound to keep the interest.

My first guess is really bad mic placement, then 2nd, not hearing what you are keeping "on tape" in the right perspective. I suspect that things may be kinda "loud" when playing, so coming up with a mix in headphones (which is a guess what you are doing) is going to be pretty tough to do. If you are multitracking then listening thru decent monitors and adjusting levels, then there are some other serious problems.