3 New songs on my solo site!!!


New member
There are 3 BRAND NEW songs up now at my site!!! 2 more songs are on their way very soon!!!

I've come here to have yall listen to my band...but now it is my solo stuff. Keep in mind it is very loose. It is more about emotional connection and power for these songs.

These are the songs that are VERY personal to me and really heavy. Here is a little backround information:

"Go on"--
This song is the ultimate "I give up" song. It is about when you reach that point in life where you wonder why the fuck you even exist. So go on and take it all from me...but please try to leave my soul behind at least.

"Spend My Time Running"--
This is about the people that have so much pain and struggle inside themselves every day, and no one understands. The struggle is not known to many around them, so the fight inside spills over to the outside world and destroys any good relationships they have in life. It is too hard and risky to show the real you to the world...even harder when you aren't sure if you even know the real you, anyways.

"Lonely Boy Broken"--
Following along with the VERY personal trend, comes this tune. This is probably the most personal tune I have ever written...Lots of tears and heartache came writing this one. It is my life story up to this point in time. It has a taste of everything that has made me who I am, for the better, but mostly for worse--Sexual abuse, the scars of being adopted, depression, lack of self esteem and anxiety...All true and all pure hell to deal with.

I play and sing everything. I am really a shit singer but I tried hard here. My main thang is geetar.

Peace...and brighter days I wish to you!
that says it all.....right after work I am going to my folks house--where i mix and shit---and remixing vocals and putting some effects on them and making um louder.
yeah, vocals need to come up. The Djembe needs a bit more balls on the low end. I can barely hear the "bass" notes from it.

3 BRAND NEW SONGS are up on my solo site--I have RE-MIXED all the songs and they are now complete!!!

They are THE most personal songs I have ever written. Very dark stuff. These songs really brought out some tears.

Please check um out and let me know what yall think.

2 more songs are coming very soon.