3 chords 12 bars blues progression


New member
Here's my 1st little ditty.

Not too sure why it a short version . I'll try again tomorrow. RCH


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Drums sound good...are they real drums?...just wondering.

The overall mix is a bit low in volume however it has a nice sound to it.

One thing you could do as well with the song is convert it to WAV instead of mp3 then use a program like reaper to do some tweaks...you could also bring the tracks in individually and work with it that way as well.

I used to record on a standalone as well and would bring tracks into reaper for mixing and mastering ect.

Free to use...trial doesnt really run out...just a 5 second nag screen.

Reaper...excellent program to work with.


Hey RCHBass - welcome to the forum :).

So, this was done on a standalone unit? Which one? In my humble opinion, it doesn't really matter at this stage of the game whether you're using a hard disc recorder, a computer or a cassette deck, there are so many basic things you could do here that have nothing to do with the format.

First, you've got the drums all up front and drum machiney sounding - is this a boss Dr. Rhythm or one of those Alesis SR thingies? It sounds like one, and these sound like stock sounds - just kind of lifeless to me. I have a boss drum machine and if you spend some time, you can tweak quite a bit to get more variety. If I am wrong on the drum source - disregard all of the above :o.

The levels of the guitars and bass climb awkwardly throughout the first minute or so in rapid stages that kind of stand out too much (like around :41).

The rhythm guitar sounds slightly out of tune (maybe the chorus is adding to that effect?) and is kind of quiet relative to the drums.

The lead guitar comes in too loud relative to the other instruments and is slathered in what I percieve to be an unpleasant reverb.

I liked the sound of the solo (harmonica) that began just as the clip ended though!

Did you add the guitar effects while tracking or were they added afterward during mixing? If afterward, I'd start by stripping them all away and work on the panning (there isn't really a lot of that going on currently) and levels until it sounds good to you dry, then bring some of the effects back in, but go easier on them. If they are part of the tracks, personally, I'd retrack.

Sorry, not trying to be mean, this just reminds me of sounds I used to get and I think there's a lot more you can do here. Just trying to help :)!
Couple of quick things you could do..
- Remove the first 10 seconds of silence
- Don't turn up the volume half way through
Rough Draft

This was the 1st time I used it (Tascam DP01FX/CD and Alesis SR16). If I had room I could do a real drum but alas I'm in a small apt. It was basically a shakedown run to test me and the machine to make sure its channels worked. I did the intro that way as to show my non music friend what the DP01 could do. Alot of them don't understand what goes on in a real studio.Also to show them how each instrument makes up the song. I appreciate all the critques, analysis , and evaulations.
Welcome to the board.

A couple of thoughts...

The guitars and bass were a little tough to hear over the drums.

The drum sounds were a little on the techno side and didn't fit the bluesy composition.

Ditto for the bass sound.

Couple of timing mistakes on the lead guitar.

Didn't care for the keyboard sound that came in right before the end.

Didn't care for the lead guitar sound. Needs to be more ballsy. Too much verb on it too.

But I'll bet you had a blast recording.

That's not a keyboard , Its a harmonica. I'll always use reverb to the day I die why? because " I " like it. Most of this stuff people are saying is strictly personal preferences that they don't like or like , it just their 2¢.
I'll take real critques + or - all day. I don't take it personally cause I can tell the difference in real advice and someone personal preferences.

Yes , its a harmonica . I don't have a keyboard ... yet. :)

You are not the 1st to think its keyboards.
No up load

Well for some silly reason it will not up load my jam oh well I guess the short version is all you get which sucks cause the harp part is nice. :confused:
Old Jams

If you want to check out some of the old stuff I did with my band check out cousinneal and Shiftty Drifter on you tube.