2nd song


New member
"harbor of lights"

Alright, I put down the first song I had up here for awhile. I promise I'll post the remix when I can bare to start listening to it again.

Here's my 2nd song "Harbor of Lights".


I plan on slipping in bass sometime amd maybe some keys. But here's the prelim mix. Again, probably pretty basic for some of the pros round here. But I appreciate the feedback I get.
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great vocals on this!!!....nice guitar sound ...maybe a bit "bright"..if that makes sense....the whole mix needs more bass...good lyrics too...i wish i knew how to compress those falsetto parts to make them jump out.....maybe someone else will....but i like the sound of it..just needs more "oomph"..

the guitar strumming through out drives really well...
in the chorus you totally sound like curt cobain from that mtv "unplugged " deal they did...man thats cool....


I like the message and the direction of the tune. When it gets to the hook it opens up and gets dynamic, thats real cool. To me, the guitar needs to come up more and the vocal throughout the piece so you have more headroom to do the dynamic stuff, like when you back off on the guitar or on the vocal they seem to almost drop off. 'like the tracks werent cut very hot on either one. I think it`d be real good with more punch to the vocal and guitar. An real simple serious bass line, a occasional light tinkling haunting piano.

cool theme :)
Jamal Bucket said:
nice guitar sound ...maybe a bit "bright"..

I think I understand what your talking about. A lot of the brightness in guitar I hear in the mix is the 12 string I used pan to the right I believe. I still haven't found an effective way to tame that sucka.

Y'all are right about the vocals too. It needs something that I can't put my finger on. Maybe compression or some eq'ing or more work with volumes.

Thanks again for the comments. Keep em' flowin'. I love this crap.
Cool tune.I like the vocals and the flow of the rhythm.This would sound really good with full band instrumentation.It stands on it's on right now but it would make an even better song with a full band.Especially Drums and a pulsating bass guitar.

Excellent vocals.
Thanks Kramer. I'd like to add more instrumentation. Unfortunately I can't play the drums yet, but maybe I can con someone into playing.

btw - checked out your song "hypnotized" Very cool. Very ala Steve Miller Band.