250 dollar budget, decent guitar to learn on


New member
I've been playing bass for six years now and am just getting into the home recording scene.
Recording bass lines, and laying down drum tracks has given me the urge to do some guitar lines as well.
Problem is, I know very little on the guitar and I dont own one to learn on.

so I've figured out I can spend around 250 dollars on a new guitar.
any ideas on what would be a good beginner guitar that will sound decent for recording, be easy to play/learn on, and not have to be replaced in the near future.

*forgot to mention. I'm looking for an electric

thanks guys
For $250 or less, look into Ibanez, they make several in that price range which are decent and easy to play. The easy to play part makes them especialy good for a beginner. Washburn also has several models in the same price range. Then there is Squire which isn't a bad guitar either and dont forget to look at an Epiphone or two (avoid the real cheapo Epis though) and there are several other less known brands who make fairly decent entry level guitars which might suit you better. All things considered though, I have to say check out the Ibanez (ax series if you like a sg style, rg series if you are more into strat style guitars) for both quality and ease of playing.
I'll second the Ibanez choice.Really good guitars for the money.
I just bought an Ibanez Jet King that was closeout priced at Musicians Friend for $199.I didn't need another guitar,but at that price...
Ibanez or I would look for a used Fender or high end epiphone, those guitars can sell for really cheap used. Even check out Godin guitars those things are amazing, the low end models sound just as good as the mid range fenders and gibsons.
I second the used fender choice. You can pick up a used "made in mexico" strat for between $200 and $250 in most any music store (I went by guitar center last week and they had a very nice one for $225)

You can play the darn thing for 3 or 4 years and turn right back around and sell it for $200 to $250 is you wanted to "upgrade" to a more expensive guitar.

Not so with a $250 brand new guitar.

One thing though....if you are into heavily distorted metal....a humbucker equiped guitar would be a better chioce than a single coil equiped guitar.
Buy a Mex Start, and you'll learn how to record hum, whirs and zzz...along with having to learn to be a repair tech

I vote for Ibanez- you can get their entry line for $129-$199, and you'll be very pleased with tone and construction for the money.
ebay ebay ebay.....

Ive seen some really nice guitars go on ebay for $250 and under.
I would probably look into a used fender, a nice epiphone, or an ibanez (what everyone else said). All of which you could buy used on ebay for your price range. (hell - Ive even seen G&L go for under $300 o ebay)
What style of music are you playing? What tones do you want to acheive?
here's a couple links:

(for the links I posted - you might be able to get all 3... :D )

(btw - what's up with all the 99 cent guitars from china/taiwan/singapore? They don't even have the model names in the title and they say things like "Great admirble lespaul guitar" - selling for 99 cents? :eek: Don't worry - I didn't link to those - too shady. )
thanks for all of the input guys.

If I wait a month I could haver another 100 dollars to spend. would that be my best bet?
My local guitar shop has a used epiphone lp standard for 350. I compared it to a brand new one exactly like it and you can barely tell this one has been used except for the fact that the pickups have been changed out to something which he claims are better than stock anyway.
would this be a good guitar if I can wait the extra month and have 350 to spend?

What kind of music do you play? That is an important factor in determining what kind of guitar I would recommend...
pedro_sandchez said:
thanks for all of the input guys.

If I wait a month I could haver another 100 dollars to spend. would that be my best bet?
My local guitar shop has a used epiphone lp standard for 350. I compared it to a brand new one exactly like it and you can barely tell this one has been used except for the fact that the pickups have been changed out to something which he claims are better than stock anyway.
would this be a good guitar if I can wait the extra month and have 350 to spend?

It could be. Have you played it? Why not offer $250 for it now?
At my local GC the PRS entry lines (SE, Tremonti, Santana) were all clearancing below $300, some as low as $250. This would be a great starter to intermediate guitar.

Take a look at Cort guitars too. Samick used to be pretty good budget/copy gits too, haven't tried them in a while. In general though, the key to buying a cheap guitar is to pick through a bunch and weed out all the bad ones. QC is one of the first things sacrificed for lower sticker price, so you kinda have to do the screening yourself. Also, think about getting something that will be upgradable later on, standard bolt on neck pocket, standard pickup sizes, etc. My first guitar, a Fender Squire Strat, is still my favorite axe, even though it's more a custom built guitar by now than a Squire.
pedro_sandchez said:
thanks for all of the input guys.

If I wait a month I could haver another 100 dollars to spend. would that be my best bet?
My local guitar shop has a used epiphone lp standard for 350. I compared it to a brand new one exactly like it and you can barely tell this one has been used except for the fact that the pickups have been changed out to something which he claims are better than stock anyway.
would this be a good guitar if I can wait the extra month and have 350 to spend?

Play it and see how well you like it. If you like it, then make an offer for $250, saying that's all you have with you. If he hasn't had anyone else make an offer for the guitar, then most likely you'll have yourself a nice epi lp! If he refuses the $250 offer, try to let him reserve it for you until you hit the $350 mark.

That's how I got my car for $2k instead of $2.5k, even though we had the extra money with us.
pedro_sandchez said:
thanks for all of the input guys.

If I wait a month I could haver another 100 dollars to spend. would that be my best bet?
My local guitar shop has a used epiphone lp standard for 350. I compared it to a brand new one exactly like it and you can barely tell this one has been used except for the fact that the pickups have been changed out to something which he claims are better than stock anyway.
would this be a good guitar if I can wait the extra month and have 350 to spend?


well that would always be better. if you know what your doing and are positive you want to get a guitar then yes wait. but if not, or if you really dont know how to play check out an ibanez starter kit. thats what i started with, they come as electric and acoustic.
espskully said:
Go for the Tacocaster.
hmm...i think you ment telecaster.

(cough cough)

{insert!!!!!-> i love my ibanez artcore, its a simihollow electric guitar..chrome pickups, i got it for about 400. (but i think they are cheeper now) <-insert!!}
Well, This is something that's gotten real popular in my area. Many are buying starter guitar'a and modding them, change pickups, hardware, etc... I've had quite a few have me do a simple pickup change cause the difference can be great. so here's a nice little set-up that works great. Pick yourself up an Ibanez or Epiphone, As already stated starter's are $150. there's quite a few out there just get one with dual Humbuckers. Then goto ebay and grab a set of Prs pickups. You can usually snag em for about half price. i usually find them between $75 and $ 150 depending on which one you get. I prefer the HFS Treble and Vintage Bass but some say they're too hot. McCarty's are the best in all around sound and Dragon's about the same with a little more punch. You can hear all these pickups at the PRS website. I personally play on stage a Schecter XXX with prs pickups and I love it. $660 for a $3000 sound