24bit woes....


New member
Im using an Audiophile 2496 and in Sonar i've made a track that is 48,000 24 bit audio driver depth and file bit depth. When i take the file to Soundforge is says the maudio audiophile cant play coz of file bit depth etc. Why would this be? It used to be able to? Any suggestions please?
Can you be a little more specific? Under Hardware settings the codec sample rate is set to 48...this makes no difference what i pick. Is there something else there i need to change?
I vaguely remember hearing there were problems with some versions of Windows/Direct X when it couldn't play 24bit files using an MME driver. Sonar is probably using WDM/KS which bypasses the problem but is Soundforge not MME? Can SF use the ASIO driver instead? Have you altered your Windows/DirectX versions since it used to work?
i've seen this before when recording within soundforge and then trying to open the file right after i've recorded it (yes, using the same program). the answer was to reboot before opening the file in soundforge. it's annoying, but i betcha it'll fix the problem.

(so that's record in sonar, save, reboot, open)
