24bit vs 16 bit

thanks guys...appreciate the discussion and it does seem like 16bit is nothing to loose any sleep over..hopefully it will help others as well as myself in this situation...since i started this thread im now the proud owner of the aw16g at 16 bit!!

i figured that im the one thats the weakest link and 16bit is just fine...so its now down to the music and my compositions.!!
Congrats, Zazz--an excellent choice. Be sure to head over the to the 16G forum. A tip: Before throwing out too any "help" questions there, be sure to print all of the "getting started" docs there that users there have produced to ease the initial learning curve. These materials can help you avoid all the usual mistakes that the early buyers (like me) made without knowing better.


Best of luck with your music,

The AW16G, like the DS2416 card I still use, does internal processing at 32 bit, and uses 24 bit converters. So a lot of the above comments about processing errors at 16 bit (which I doubt) wouldn't apply even if true.

In other words, no worries. Congratulations on your purchase!