24bit Selective Dropout or just inadequate Computer?


New member
I recently just upgraded my Midiman Dman PCI to the Delta Audiophile 24/96.

I recorded my first 24bit song of a mere 10 stereo tracks and it played well that day. The next day I started to mix and like always I brought the volume down on all tracks. I mixed the tracks in loop mode. However as I'm mixing tracks other tracks that I've already set volumes for are dropping in and out. I've already checked the threads on mixer settings and the whole snapshot deal. Coincidently, the dropout alert never appeared like it does sometimes when I try to do other weird stuff (ie play 16bit file in 24 bit mode).

Can someone please help me I have a
Pent II 350mhz
196mb of ram
7200 Maxtor ATA66 Drive

Use CW9.0 for a year at 16bit with no problem...recording sometime as many as 24 stereo tracks on 6 min songs with no dropout.

Is it me, my computer or Cakewalk?

Help me please
10 tracks of 24-bit stereo will be very demading on your machine. Especially if you have effects on one or more channels. You may want to record as many tracks as you can get away with - mono.
This will help alleviate processor usage. Or do more submixing.
I never use any realtime effects. I proccess everything to disk.

Most of the time my CPU usage meter reads less than 10%
Try defragging your hard-drive. Also, using compact audio in Cakewalk might help. If your drive has to do a lot of skipping around to read the audio data, the drop-out monster'll get ya.
Thanks all,

I think I found the culprit.

Apparently I recorded some funky mixer automation accidentally...but because I didn't have the update mixer setting on, the console mixed wildly without any visible sign.

However, yoour efforts were not in vain. Your suggestions helped me tweak my system a little more.

Thanks for your help
Good on You . . .

Seek and ye shall find. Console view ain't as funky as you might think. Takes a little times' all.