2488 version compatability / long distance recording?


Doggy Claws
I'm going to be going up north for a few days to visit a friend. He's a sax player, and he has a Tascam 2488 too, but I can't remember whether it's a Mk.II or a Neo. Mine is a venerable Mk.I.

I want to take up one of the songs I'm working on so he can lay down a sax track on it. I'm planning to do a backup of the song onto a few CDs, and then restoring that backup onto his 2488. Then, we'll record the tracks, back it up again, and I'll trundle home with the CDs, and restore them onto my 2488 and finish the song.

I'm assuming that there aren't any problems with going between recorders to do this, even if the version of the 2488 is different (which it will be). Does that sound correct? And I'm wondering if there is an easier way to do this, since the backup process is pretty time-consuming. Any thoughts?