24/96 or 16/44.1 recording?

I am new in digital recording and I have some questions:

I have a 24/96 sound card (RME Hammerfall) with Cubase SX program.
My question is:
If I record at 24/96 mode and then transport my audio files at 16/44.1 for copying them at an audio CD, will my result be better or:
will I have just to record at 16/44.1 and then just copy?
what are my benefits by recording at highest resolution (24/96)?

Please give me an answer!

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the advantages of higher resolutions comes when you do processing...the higher quality you start with, the higher you end with......

the downside is the space it takes up.....

if you are 24bit capable, id ALWAYS take advantage of that.......then use either 44.1 or 88.2 depending on your computer if it can handle twice the load......
The consensus seems to be to record at 24 bit at 44.1kHz if you plan to go to CD. The benefits of higher sampling rates are offset when you resample down to 44.1. (However, I'm sure some will argue otherwise.)

If you do decide to go to higher sampling rates, use 88.2 as Gidge suggested for the best results.
Now, another question:
Are 24bit/44.1Khz CD players in the market?
Because I knew the classic CD players which we have at home are based at 16/44.1 sampling rates.
If my final mix will be at 24/44.1 could I hear it from my Hi-Fi system, through my CD player?
There are higher quality CD players being developed, with a couple of offerings already for sale; but the standard is still 16 bit 44.1 sample rate.

The advantage of recording at 24 bit is that it gives you more headroom so that you don't have to come so close to digital "overs" in order to take advantage of all the resolution the CD offers. You can leave some headroom while recording, and STILL end up with closer to TRUE 16 bit results.

The final result STILL needs to be at 16/44.1, so when you are finished with the mix you dither down to 16/44.1 , which is your master to burn CD's from.

If your software/hardware offers different types of dither, you will need to experiment to see which sounds best. This can vary depending on both soft and hardware, as well as type of recorded material... Steve
Danaos, if you want your final mixdown to be playable in CD players, then do it in 16/44.

But a *lot* of people have DVD players these days, and DVD players (well, most of them) will play disks mixed down at higher resolutions. Like 24/96, for instance. The big limiting factor seems to be the size and speed of your computer. Can it handle that much data?
Knightfly's got it.

Record at 24/44.1 and dither to 16/44.1 when you are ready to burn to CD. Dropping the bit rate from 24 to 16 should be the very last step before you cut the CD.
HDCD is what, 20bit? lots of people have that capability in their DVD player...and, they will play in a regular cd player as well.
Thank you all guys for your advises you gave me!
I think that I'll record at 24/44.1 mode. My software also supports it, (CubaseSX and Reason2) and my card also (RME Hammerfall).

About HDCD (20 bit processing) .....
I heard a sampler disk from JVC (XRCD format) ...... it SOUNDED FANTASTIC, even at a normal CD player...... it seems ANALOG to me!
For this recording technique:

Thanks again!