21 mixes later......


New member
Hi Everyone,

Its been a while since I have posted, but I finally have something new to run past the group.
This song has been in the works for nearly two years. It started as a guitar instrumental and evolved into the state that it is currently in. Along the way I have re-written, re-tracked, re-arranged and re-mixed (21 mixes to be exact). I think I could have gone on tweaking for years, but as YEP says "Done is better then perfect".

As mixed this I took into account a lot of the advice I got right here from so many helpful people. I would appreciate any feedback you all care to provide. I tend to learn the most when I release my songs/mixes and get real feedback from unbiased sources. Thanks in advance for any input or comments you have.

hi-fi URL: http://www.soundclick.com/util/getplayer.m3u?id=8915739&q=hi
Lots of good stuff going for this one.

I like the hook of the vocal line preceeding the chorus. [ 0:53 and 1:49] I like the Gregorian Chant harmonies on the chorus...very Beatles.

What I'd fix:

The chorus [1:10] could use more chug and less space. The dynamic is down from the preceeding section.

At 2:41, the 'one' beat after the long fill is off, I think...a little behind the time...or the fill misleads the time. I'd nail it down.

At 2:28 in the solo, you play a strong D solo note..sustained... over the A chord. It's an avoid note, or needs to be resolved, or changed to a stronger note. It's technically questionable....and my ears don't like it. I'm not fond of the solo. It's lethargic, and barely melodic. I'd try something else. It's a dynamic down, where it should be way, way up!

Generally, the long, boring tom fills between sections aren't working. A melodic, musical device to introduce the upcoming sections...or something...would make for a much stronger arrangement, I think

Thanks for the feedback. I agree with you on many of your points.

The fill at 2:41 is early, which makes the downbeat on one sound late. I think I might take your advice and bring things back in with some other method of bringing the song back in.

You nailed the solo issues. I must admit to not spending as much time on that as the rest of the song... I think you are right. It needs to be fireworks there.

Lastly, and this is the part I could use some suggestions for, I agree that the first chorus doesn't sound "big" or "exciting" enough after the first verse. I struggled with this more then anything else on this one. Originally the first verse was all overdriven guitar, which became more acoustic based to try and add some of the ebb and flow needed to create the dynamic that was needed. Also I added the triangle to pick up the high end rhythmic flow when the tambourine drops out. Lastly I have played some tricks on the lead vocal during the chorus to give things a wider feel (delayed split harmonizer). I am open to suggestions if anyone has any.

Thanks again for the listen and feedback..your input is always spot on.
Yeah I agree with everything Jeff said. The tom fills are pretty bad and very Phil Collins-like, which to my ears, aint good. I can't imagine spending 2 years on one song. That's whacky. :D
Yeah I agree with everything Jeff said. The tom fills are pretty bad and very Phil Collins-like, which to my ears, aint good. I can't imagine spending 2 years on one song. That's whacky. :D

Phil Collins-like.... ouch! Maybe I should throw some gated-verb on there and run with it. :)

Yeah 2 years. It took sometime to develop..one of those songs that I didn't give up on, but moved to the back burner while I worked on other things whenever I got stuck or frustrated with it.