2 x M-Audio Delta 1010 software recommendations

Must have been a pretty good career you side stepped into!

As far as the two cards go, that's about how the cards work, not the DAW. If the manufacturer provides the right driver software, you will only see one card in your DAW's audio preferences ... but it will have all the ins/ outs of both cards.

The downside on LE and M-Powered is that they don't have plugin 'automatic delay compensation,' which just about every serious other DAW, including Reaper, does have.

Wow, there is sooooo much good gear you could get if you just used those 2 cards and Reaper ... and took your savings to the store.

That said, if I could have an HD system to run along side Cubase 5 and my RME set up, I'd jump at the chance. ProTools for mixing/ recording and Cubase for composition/ arranging. But since I'm a midiot, I'd never bail to ProTools instead of Cubase. Need to go to the studio? WTF! OMF!
