2 sets of monitors with only one subwoofer


New member
I've got KRK Rokit 8's along with the KRK 10" subwoofer as my primary monitors. What I'm wanting to do is utilize a second set of monitors, fairly cheap, so I get a good idea what my mixes sound like on your run-of-the-mill cheapo commercial speakers. I recently purchased an active pair of Edirols...they certainly do the trick! Ask for somewhat crappy monitors and though shalt receive...kind of ironic that I purposely bought these things. Anyway, they're serving their purpose as mentioned above, but I'm wanting to try to patch them into my existing subwoofer.

I have a SM Pro M-Patch that allows me to select between each speaker set, but I haven't quite figured out the sub thing. The easiest thing would be to hook up a separate sub for the Edirols and move on. I did try this approach with some hicups:

I'm running the mast audio from my soundcard directly into the KRK sub, then running the sub output to the M-Patch. I then am running the signal to each set of monitors which allows me to use the KRK sub with both sets of monitors. HOWEVER, this does not allow me to increase the sub volume along with the selected speakers. Since the sub is the main input, it's volume is independent of the volume control on the M-Patch.

I thought I had the solution but not quite. Aside from buying a cheap sub to go along with Edirols and calling it good, any ideas on what options I might have. Sorry for the long post. Thanks in advance for your input.

*ASSUMING* your sub is properly calibrated to your KRK's, it isn't going to be even close (not even in the same audible universe) with your Edirol's.

If you want the "small, crappy speaker" reference, just leave it small and crappy.

That all said - You'd need a controller with "A-or-B-plus-C" switching. One of very few budget-friendly units I know of that have such routing is the PreSonus Central Station.
You make a good point. What I was shooting for was the fact that even people who listen to music on crappy speakers often (incorrectly) use a subwoofer. My sub and KRK's are calibrated by the way, at least as good as it's going to get with my home studio setup...spectrum analyzer, white noise, pink noise, bass traps and other room treatment bla bla bla. I think I'll just invest in an additional inexpensive sub, tweek to taste with the Edirols, and go from there. Again, this is a second reference so no big deal. Thanks for your input.
If you have 8" monitors, I don't really see a need for a sub. Even with my 6" KRK's I feel a sub would be less than ideal.
I suppose this is a matter of personal taste, but there's often a lot of rumbling going on down below 50 - 60 Hz that I want to hear.