2 Sequencers?


New member
Hi, I was just wondering,
I'm running Pro Tools with a Digi 001 just now, if I was to buy another sequencer (eg Cubase SE) so I could use VST plugins, when I record these bits of audio into Cubase, can I transfer the audio files to Pro Tools and put them into sessions there?
Sorry if I haven't made myself clear....

Also, will I need another audio interface or can I use my Digi?


P.S How is the midi recording aspect of Cubase SE?
You should be able to swap between the 2 applications by exporting and importing with OMF files (basically a kind of universal compressed file that most sequencers support), but OMF implementation between applications seems to differ so it can often prove to be buggy at best, but usually with minimal tweaking in the sequencer that imported the file, you can be back up and running in no time. Note:OMF does not store any type of sequencer specific data ie. Mixer settings, automation, plugins, etc.