2 new mixes... check em out

Song 6 - Way too much bass gtr. The kick is prominent but doesn't sound deep at all, like it's tuned too tight. The guitars go from fizzy to muddy back and forth. They also drown out the drums when things get rolling. Too much gain, fuzz, effects, layers, and all that other shit. Clean up the guitars or make em sit better.

Song 5 - Much better tonal balance in this mix. Yall didn't try to out fancy yourselves and it's much better. The distorted bass part is cool.
Thanks Greg... i agree with the kick. did oyu see our notes in the track? we are aware of the guitar muddiness which is mostly in the 2nd chorus (distorted chorus) and outtro and im pretty sure i know why... but we are going to be retracking anyways.

Also the bass is true aswell... i was trying to get the power thats desired and i mistakenly did it with volume rather than EQ...poops mcgee