2 new beats

yo man im really diggin cp11...it has that rollin out/dre kind of sound, a song you can just cruise to yo...im really feelin it man....cp12 is different and i like it because of that...it sounds very bluesy and relaxed very cool man...keep up the good werk.
I like the sample in cp 12 oh shit i like the come in of the drums it needs some more to it tho like some stic hits coming in aor a different had to help build the excitement of it cuz this is a dam good start.

cp11 oh hells yea loovin the sample have often thaught of trying something with it myself but you done did it so nice aint no need in me touching it . those claps are tight. i would add some change ups or some double hitz this is raw tho good job
20/20 said:
I like the sample in cp 12 oh shit i like the come in of the drums it needs some more to it tho like some stic hits coming in aor a different had to help build the excitement of it cuz this is a dam good start.

cp11 oh hells yea loovin the sample have often thaught of trying something with it myself but you done did it so nice aint no need in me touching it . those claps are tight. i would add some change ups or some double hitz this is raw tho good job

I'm with him and those up there too... Nice chopping.. Thumbs up