2 internal hard drives

Dr Shock

New member
I have been getting ocassional dropouts while
recording. Is it essential to have 2 internal hard drives,
one for programs and one for sending my temporary recording files. I have an external drive hooked up to a USB2
port where I am sending the temporary files , and think that
the dropouts mwy be occurring there
2 hard drives

Do a search for computer setup or optimizing and see what you find. This issue has been discussed to death. Yes, many of us use 2 hard drives, and run no programs other than recording/CD burning software on our computers, but the scope of your question is pretty wide.
lpdeluxe said:
Do a search for computer setup or optimizing and see what you find. This issue has been discussed to death. /QUOTE]

thanks for the reply. I have read a lot of those posts and have read many articles on optimizing my PC. I am using XP with a AMD Athlon 3200+ 2.2 gig 512 ram. I have made many tweaks according to previous posts and articles. Just wondering if by not having 2 internal hard drives, this is the one thing left for me to do. has anyone had sucess with just one internal hard drive

I had a single drive only for a few months when I first built my recording computer. I was told that the OS would try to run something while I was recording and interrupt the session, and that was enough for me. I went to 2 drives (a huge 20G + an huger 30G!--this was 4 years ago) and when I had the new machine built I got two drives from the start. It is so inexpensive that it's almost a no-brainer. Both my computers now have 2 drives.

Whether changing to 2 drives will solve your problems, though, is outside my ability to say, which is why I suggested a search. But for what it's worth, my 2-HD recorder (XP, P4, 512GB RAM, Adobe Audition) runs like a train. In 7 months of heavy use (recorded 3 full-length CDs, carried it down to Austin, recorded for a week @ 10 hours a day, brought it back and went back to work), it has never crashed, frozen up or even hiccuped. I can't really ascribe that to the 2 HDs, but I ain't changing anything.
Everything happened more or less at once with me: I got 2 hard drives and a faster machine with more RAM. It's all significant, I think, but even if the 2 hard drives weren't the main source of improvement, just the *convenience* makes it worth it. Fast, fast backups to the other drive. If one drive crashes, your data's still intact. Facilitates OS reinstalls if you have to do that.
Thanks IP and dobro... I am putting in a second drive tomorrow .... : ) I'll post back if it works out ...or not...for future reference
Like Dobro, when I upgraded the computer I bumped up the RAM. My older computer would freeze up with higher track counts, but again that's a separate problem from dropouts.
chrisharris said:
I have one 180GB hard drive and a slower processor than you do. CEP/AA runs pretty flawlessly on my system.
Oh yeah, well I have one 120GB hard drive and a faster processor than anyone here, and it runs flawlessly on mine as well... So :p