2 hard drives - Which one should I use for recording?


New member
Hi All I have new computer - 2 hard drives C and D . Now I have Windows XP on C. I understand that I should not have my CAKEWALK and Protools on the "system" drive - so does that mean I put ALL my Cakewalk and Protools files on drive D and all files related? and why? thx. :)
I have my audio software installed on my system drive. But all the project files, aduio files etc have their own separate drive.

There are a few reasons to do it really. Firstly if you have a drive dedicated to streaming audio, and isn't having to do much else, then it's going to be a bit more efficient. Secondly, if your XP system gets screwed, or XP screws your system and the hard drive it's on, your project and audio files are safe on their own hard drive. Meaning you can just reinstall windows on your system drive again and be back up and running.

I don't put my audio software on a separate drive because I don't really feel a need to. My audio pc is used soley for audio, and is never connected to the internet. It is as the day it was when I installed everything. If it all goes down for some reason, I'm going to have to reinstall the software anyway, so I'm not bothered if my install of Cubase gets screwed, all my projects are safe.
I've had a system hard drive crash and was damn glad all my audio was on a separate drive. Cause could have been lightning but I'll never know. All I had to do was install a new system drive and reinstall software. Definitely a PITA, but I didn't lose a thing.

I also ran out and bought an external backup drive for audio as well when this happened. If you care about your audio, back it up. If you care about your audio and lose it you will be contemplating taking your own life.

Also, if your hard drive starts making any funny sounds at all, back up immediately. I mean now.
I also say put your Audio on the other drive, and your software etc on the system drive. Even if the first drive crashed, you wouldn't be able to "save" the programs anyways, you would have to reinstall them, so there's not really a point in using the space up on the second one. So just put all projects, audio etc on the second drive, and MAKE SURE YOU BACK THAT DRIVE UP TOO.
Ditto, software on c (system) audio on d. Also you want them on different controllers (motherboard ide or sata ports whichever you have) if possible.
BEAUTIFUL - I think it is making sense finally! thanks!

Thanks for the great answers - this helps alot. Now I know why Cakewalk Sonar HS defaults to C drive and when I moved it to D it didnt work anymore and I had to reinstall. So all programs (EXEs) on C is good! And all audio on D is good! :)