1st try in mp3 clinic


Welcome to the board. Overall, the mixing on this is o.k. There is a little high-end harshness that makes this hard to listen to. The guitar solo is a prime example (also too loud), but the whole mix has a brittle quality. How was this recorded? Perhaps with some details, the mixing engineers on here can give you some pointers.

The vocal is not quite "on" pitchwise, but that is a performance issue not a mixing one.

But, seriously, though -- Fake drums on a Dylan cover? That is just blasphemy. Maybe if you were doing a hip-hop version or something ;) . That is probably my biggest issue with this. Please don't take offense to my personal opinions, but I am not a fan of covers that don't add anything to the original version. What makes your version unique? To me, that is the key to a great cover.

Happy recording.
The vocals do sound a little thin and could be cut in the high-end and beefed up a little - maybe a little to out front too. I don't mind electric drums I just hate electric cymbals.

Listening to the guitar solo and I think the whole song needs to be EQed

Good music though
The mix balance is OK, but it does have a little too much high end sizzle. Lead is a bit hot. It's the cymbals that are the big offender. Tame those and turn down the lead a tic or two.
Back off some on the high end, and redo the vocal. I don't want to sound cruel, but you lost it on some of the notes and went out of key.
I will ditto Track Rat, it's a good balance, just a bit too much high end.