1958 Martin D-28


New member
I don't know much about vintage guitar pricing and was hoping someone might have some experience in buying or selling (or whatever) with this make and model.

I have the chance to buy it but don't know how much it's worth, and I'm tight on cash so it'd have to be a great deal,
It's in good condition for it's age, coming with the original case from the original owner. I've check the serial and it verifies it's 1958 vintage. There's a bow behind the bridge. I felt on the underside and the bracing seems to be intact, not cracked. The frets are quite worn on the lower frets and there is a buzz on the low E, it appears that this is caused by the nut, which looks like it needs replacing.

I know it's impossible to say what it's worth without seeing it or playing it, but some kinda ball park cost would be helpful.

Unless it's a steal, why not get a new one or a newer, used one? You won't be paying the "vintage" premium. It will be much less expensive. You'll end up with a great, if not, better than great, guitar.
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If it is in any kind of good condition you will be looking at $6-10k. If they want less the guitar is trash.
well, it's looking like a steal, under 2k CDN. Like I said the guitar is in okay condition for the age (my judgement with limited, old guitar experience, lots of new guitar experience), nothing major on the surface with the exception of some wear and some scratches, and the bowing of the body after the bridge.

outlaws, no shit 6-10 k huh. I didn't think that the D-28's were that rare, when I look on ebay and some other sites where there are similar modeled guitars, martins of the 50's or later D-28's they are somewhere between 2-3.5 k.

Can you take it to a luthier to get an estimate of what is needed to bring it back to spec? And... Do you like it?? :cool:
kevellus said:
...when I look on ebay and some other sites where there are similar modeled guitars, martins of the 50's or later D-28's they are somewhere between 2-3.5 k.

Guitars on ebay are scetchy at best. Especially acoustics. Then when you toss in "vintage" you are dealing with sticking you hand down a small dark hole in the ground hoping for treasure. There are plenty of good deals on Ebay, but the actual value is misrepresented because of the risk factor. To top it off, most guitar prices on ebay don't truely show up until the last 3 seconds of the auction.

Unless you can play it first I would skip it. Its hard.....but I would skip it.

If you do go check it out, get right up to the bridge and squint. You got to look for the hairline fracture that is just waiting to split.

I bought a Taylor 710 for $750 out of the local paper. I went and looked at it and it and didn't even notice it was cracked until my buddy pointed it out a month later (more so to piss me off because it was so much of a better guitar than his and I got it for a steal).

Needless to say right as I was gearing up to sell the guitar to buy my Martin, then damn thing split a good 5 inches starting at the bridge going toward the butt.
kevellus said:
It's in good condition for it's age, coming with the original case from the original owner.

We just received our new edition of the Blue Book of Acoustic Guitars. A 1958 D-28 in average condition is $4000.00. In excellent condition, it is $6000.00. In order to get in the five figure range you would need to go back to 1946, which would be $15,000 of average condition.

If you do get this guitar, you should have the owner (if he is the original owner) take it to a warranty service center before he sells it to you. If there is anything wrong with it which falls under warranty, he can get it fixed before you buy it. The things which may be of concern. First, it is normal for a guitar to have some behind the bridge bulge (or BBB), however, it is a good idea to have it looked at, as if there is something wrong there it will be covered under warranty. It is also very common for guitars that age to need a neck reset, which is expensive to fix, but will be covered under warranty for the original owner.

I, personally, would be uncomfortable buying the guitar for that much less than it is worth. If I were you, I would tell the owner what it is worth, and what the most is you would be willing to pay. Let him decide if your honesty will compensate him for the loss of some money. Of course, I have a professional reputation to protect, so I can not have someone out there who thinks I ripped him off find out what the guitar is worth, and then ruin my word of mouth reputation, so I have a very strong motivation to be honest, but I think you will feel better about yourself if you deal with the owner honestly.


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi
outlaw you ass!

Yes I was refering to you and yes I pressed the wrong button.But I suppose with all the bullshit,halfwit, crap intended to be funny you write under your"name" you never do that. My comment sticks. Ive bought/delt more vintage guitars than you have hairs on your head. I 've bought many REAL Vintage guitars way under value. Know what you are talking about before sumitting asshole comments that show your entire lack on expertise on the subject. I have delt with some of the biggest dealors in the country and some outside the US. Your attitude reflects your IQ
Oh my God........let me bow down to you morris. I never realized you were such an expert on the subjust. I have only been playing Indonesian back alley garbage my whole life. I of course am only 12 years old and have only been playing the guitar for 6 months so I should not say....my whole life......but please, tell me more. I want to know everything. You can tell me stories.....like how it was back in the good ol' days. I once heard that people made guitars in America. Is that true? I don't think so but that would be awsome.

But the heezy fasheezy sez youz a skeezy azz beechy.

"If you are refering to my post in another thread and you felt the need to start a new new thread then you can just go fuck off--Outlaws."

12 years old, suprised you lived this long without your mouth slapped of your face...probably has been
Re: outlaw you ass!

jmorris said:
Yes I was refering to you and yes I pressed the wrong button.But I suppose with all the bullshit,halfwit, crap intended to be funny you write under your"name" you never do that. My comment sticks. Ive bought/delt more vintage guitars than you have hairs on your head. I 've bought many REAL Vintage guitars way under value. Know what you are talking about before sumitting asshole comments that show your entire lack on expertise on the subject. I have delt with some of the biggest dealors in the country and some outside the US. Your attitude reflects your IQ

Do you have anything to contribute to this thread?
Re: outlaw you ass!

jmorris said:
Ive bought/delt more vintage guitars than you have hairs on your head.

Exactly the reason why real guitar players should not be conned into shelling out extra cash for "vintage" garbage. ;):D
hixmix said:
Exactly the reason why real guitar players should not be conned into shelling out extra cash for "vintage" garbage. ;):D

...........vintage?...........look at the prices for so called "Re-Issues"....:D

But I still love my RI Tele.