19 reels of 1" Ampex 456 - $35

Ampex tape

Hey Beatles, from what I understand the Ampex tape is not very good. At Least that's what I have learned from other people. I can't really say. The 1/2 tape I have is about 15 years old and has degraded beyond use. Oh well, for what it's worth.
Check the "sticky" on Sticky Shed Syndrome at the top of this forum as well as a thread by Beck on list of sticky tapes. It'll give anybody the info needed to quiry the seller to see if the tapes are in the bad years.
One can always use 'em for the empty reels but then again we're talking about a 3 year old post!:eek::D;)
Tape loop

Let's see 3 years * 365.25 days times 24 hours times 3600 seconds times 15 inches per second gives us a tape loop that is 269030.45 miles long to get that echo.