cincy kid, David, gbav - Glad you liked it. Thanks for posting.

Monkey Allen -
what's your environment for recording? What kind of space do you use?
L-shaped room, 31'x17' in one direction, 25'x18' in the other. High ceilings.

TelePaul -
What mics was this done with?
A Schoeps mk41 combined with an MSH1 as a "double mike" - same spot and direction, mostly hearing the Schoeps with just a little of the MSH mixed in.

DigitalSmigital -
A little something to look at while you're listening...
I like it.

danny.guitar -
pics of your tracking room
I'll look around for a couple.
Tim, I really like the consistency of your playing. This is a really good tempo for you.

It may just be my headphones, but the reverb on this track seems to cloud the guitars a little bit. The reverb is fine but it may just be a hair too thick sounding.

I like the energy to this piece. Thanks for sharing.
I'd love to hear you toot this out on a lute.
Well recorded - nice mic combo.
Great performance _ AS USUAL!!!!!!!!!!
How do you keep string squeals & slides noise so minimal?
I's say proper technique & talent but am hoping there's a trick a pleb such as I might borrow.
Would you be able to play a lute dute or a luet duet?
Supercreep, ray, 60's, Freudian - thank you.

Supercreep said:
the reverb on this track seems to cloud the guitars a little bit.
Listening to the verb on it, I'm thinking now that it might not need verb at all, given the performance style and settings of the era... I'll experiment with a lighter room ambience, but here it is sans verb

ray said:
How do you keep string squeals & slides noise so minimal
this one actually has all of the left hand shifting on the unwound strings, so no problem. Generally, I do my share of string creaking and squeaking, believe me.

hear you toot this out on a lute
Ha, there must be a lute sim plugin for that by now. :D
I like it without reverb. You're correct that it adds to the feel of a period piece to have the recording style match.

At :38 the left side guitar's punch-in is a tiny bit sloppy, but only noticeable on headphones. You might be able to do an exponential fade at the beginning of that section of the track to offset the rushed feel.

Very good playing as usual, and the recording of nylon stringed guitars is very solid as well. They're not as easy, IMO, as steel stringed.

My only gripe is the plucking style. When I listen to guys like John Williams (the classical guitarist, not the conductor) you can't hear their fingers make contact with the strings, at least not unless the piece calls for it. The faster arpeggios on this seem the slightest bit forced. The recording sounds more like Alex Lifeson on A Farewell to Kings than what is accepted as classical. Those classic music fans are real snobs! lol

Keep in mind my feedback could be completely wrong, it's been literally years since I listened to classical guitar regularly. I had the priviledge of talking music and jamming with a fantastic classical guitarist while at college, and it has spoiled my appreciation of music since. :D

I knew some jazz musicians too, but they really weren't very good musicians. Classical musicians master their instruments, jazz musicians just make you think they have. The fact you can even play this bit of music puts you at another level on this forum. A lot of us thnk we can play, but in reality we're mostly just hacks.
Sounded nice, warm and intimate. I could almost picture myself in some dimly lit medievel (or renaissance -however the case may be) tavern drinking a mug of ale. Pretty cool!

Thanks guys. When I do my final tracking on this I'll put it up again. The input was very helpful.

No punchin or crossfade at :38. Just finger sounds. There is a panning automation change there, and I'll check that.

Classical musicians master their instruments, jazz musicians just make you think they have... A lot of us thnk we can play, but in reality we're mostly just hacks.
I strongly disagree. While the last sentence is true of some, it's not true of most.
The snare is kind of.....oh whats the word I'm looking for, too much. Loose the drums and I'd say you are solid gold.
Can't add much to the comments. As always, I had to listen 2 or 3 times, it was so good.