16 tracks with echo layla?

Paul Garvin

New member
I have been using the echo layla PCMIA laptop system with 8 analog ins and 8 adat ins. I am interested in increasing the capacity to 16 analog inputs. My mixer has 16 channels, and line outs for all 16. I would like to have the ability to record my band playing live and need more than my current 8 analog inputs.

Is it simpler to just find a device that can give me 8 seperate adat conversions and use the layla with 8 analog and eight adat? I am also considering buying the layla PCI setup so I can record at home and away from home. Would I be able to use both layla's and connect them via word clock or some other digital interface? Does anyone here have any experience expanding an echo layla system from 8 to 16, and can you share your problems/success.
Paul Garvin
I have 2 Layla 20s hooked up on my XP pc. No troubles at all, just hook both pci cards in and it should automaticly detect 16 channels and you're good to go.