16 tracks in 16 out Both ways?


New member
In sonar I have 16 tracks ready to mixdown.
I'm wanting to bring all 16 trqack into tracs
17 to 32 on my DDX.
I have RME with 2 adats ( hence 16 tracks)

Thing is what do I master to?
Is it posible for me to send data both ways in adat?

IE: Can I use channels 1 and 2 as L+R back into two new tracks in Sonar?
for the final mix.

Or am I missing something very simple here, I dont have a dat or cd burner available to master to. So it needs to be the HD

Hope this makes sense.

Get you a M-audio 2496 and do Digi out from the DDX to the 2496 into Soundforge or something like it.

M-Audio 2496 $100.00
Sound Fordge $250.00
Total $350.00

Or you can buy an Alesis Masterlink for $799.00

I use the first option.
deepwater said:
Get you a M-audio 2496 and do Digi out from the DDX to the 2496 into Soundforge or something like it.

M-Audio 2496 $100.00
Sound Fordge $250.00
Total $350.00

Or you can buy an Alesis Masterlink for $799.00

I use the first option.

HI Thanks for that, Just making sure I didn't miss something easy.
Will sound forge be happy running with Sonar as sonar tends to hog the pc.

Thanks for the advice.

Beofre you go buying a second sound card, if you are going to be using both of them at once, make sure you can initialize 2 cards at once. Is the DDX the Behringer digi mixer? Also, what RME card do you currently have? Third, if the DDX is a digital mixer, why are you not just mixing directly inside Sonar (since you are losing any real analog summing anyways)? If your RME has an s/pdif jack on it, and your DDX has one as well, just s/pdif your mix out of the DDX and into the RME to two new tracks on Sonar:)
xstatic said:
Beofre you go buying a second sound card, if you are going to be using both of them at once, make sure you can initialize 2 cards at once. Is the DDX the Behringer digi mixer? Also, what RME card do you currently have? Third, if the DDX is a digital mixer, why are you not just mixing directly inside Sonar (since you are losing any real analog summing anyways)? If your RME has an s/pdif jack on it, and your DDX has one as well, just s/pdif your mix out of the DDX and into the RME to two new tracks on Sonar:)

Hi now that is sounding good.
Its the DDX 3216 digi
and the RME digi twin adat ( hamerfall?)

Yeah, if that RME card does s/pdif then thats a good idea. I don't know how you'll be able to monitor what your tracking in Sound Forge. I know buy adding the 2496 You can use that for tracking and monitoring with no hassle.
Monitoring Spdif

deepwater said:
Yeah, if that RME card does s/pdif then thats a good idea. I don't know how you'll be able to monitor what your tracking in Sound Forge. I know buy adding the 2496 You can use that for tracking and monitoring with no hassle.

I assume(!) I can monitor the mix as I remix the the Spdiff outs into 2 track ( L+R) again in Sonar giving me my master.
I can then take this and re-master as needed.
Wether my Athlon PC can play back the 16 tracks and write the two news ones I'll have to try.
I have foung that using Sonar as just a HD and no effects or EQ, I can get some really nice stuff into the DDX. If I can maintain this clarity into a final mix I'll be very happy.
I can then master the two track to my hearts content in another package.

Just like to say thanks for the help on this to you all.
Good luck
You shouldn't really need to monitor the Sound Forge stuff. What you really want to monitor is most likely the mix you are making. Also, I was under the impression that DAW applications are not very happy when trying to initialize two different sound card drivers. If they were both RME or both M-Audio cards it would be much easier.
xstatic said:
You shouldn't really need to monitor the Sound Forge stuff. What you really want to monitor is most likely the mix you are making. Also, I was under the impression that DAW applications are not very happy when trying to initialize two different sound card drivers. If they were both RME or both M-Audio cards it would be much easier.

OK I have set this up by sending the mix from the DDX back to Sonar, It does work ( After re booting(?) the mixer to get the Spdiff working)
But I dont think my PC can handle it I get drop out at about 80% of the song running.
I think your right about the two soundcards being hard work.
I must admit to being very happy with the quality of the sound from the system though, I'm using 48K and 24bit on the RME and Sonar.

I note the card can ' Dither ' and I can set the desk to do this.
Is it better to let the RME Dither or use both?

Personally, let the RME do anything that it can do instead of the Behringer. If it were me, I would set my Behringer up as a control surface and do all the mixing inside Sonar. Even an old Pentium 3 should be able to handle 16 out and 2 in simultaneoiusly. What is your cpu set up like?